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I felt my stomach drop just from hearing his name. "Yes," I said, closing my eyes, wishing that that would take me anywhere but here. "Do you know who I am now?" He asked. My eyes shot open finally understanding. I pushed him away, yelling, "you hurt my best friend!" "I know, but I had good reason to," he calmly replied. "Tell me why, tell me right now!" I yelled. "Please, princess, lower your voice," He said, with a smirk. I couldn't believe how well he kept his composure. He was so calm, and cool. "I should kick your ass!" I screamed, lunging towards him, but missing completely. He was gone. I turned around in circles. Tears started forming in my eyes. "Come back!" I yelled, sorrowfully. "Luke!" I screamed. "You sure do cry a lot don't you?" I heard from behind me. I whipped around and saw him. So elegant and unafraid. "Please tell me what you want from me," I calmly said. "I want you," he said walking towards me. "What?" I asked. "I want you, Michael, you're the most beautiful boy I've ever seen.. and I've been around for awhile," He said. I felt my heart speed up because of his words. "You just tried to murder my best friend, and you think I'm just going to let you fuck me with your weird daddy kink that I'm assuming you have?" I questioned. He took a moment to look at me with furrowed eyebrows, before saying, "number one, I told you, I had a good reason to do what I did, number two, I don't just want to fuck you, and number three, I don't have a daddy kink, you freak," "What is this great reason that you had to try and murder Calum? What the fuck do you have against him?" I asked. "Because he's just going to get in the way, Michael, he won't want us to be together," he said. "And what about me? What if I don't want us to be together?" I asked. He paused, as if he didn't know what to say. "I hadn't really thought about that," He said, looking down, his bad boy exterior slowly fading. "Luke, I know you mean well but, this just isn't the way to do it," I said, taking a step towards him. I took his hand in mine, our eyes connecting. "Please fix Calum," I said, softly. He paused, thinking about his next actions. He took his hand from mine and slowly moved to where Calum was lying, lifelessly. I watched him as he put his hand over Calum's heart. A heavenly glow came from his hand, and Calum jolted upright. His calm face quickly turned to terror when he saw Luke in front of him. "Who the fuck are you?" He asked, standing up. "My name is Luke," He stated. Calum looked at me, horrified. "I'm so sorry all of this," Luke said, his glistening blue eyes now a dull grey. "You were right, you were always right, Michael should've left, he should've left this place and never looked back," Luke's skin became paler and paler as each moment passed. "Luke? Are you okay?" I asked, running to him. "Michael, I had two hundred god damn years to find my purpose, yet here I am," Luke said, tears brimming his eyes. "What are you on about?" I asked. He grabbed my hands, his knees giving out. I sat him down on my bed, still holding his hands in mine. "When you die, you get two hundred years to live your dream, find out why the fuck you were alive in the first place. Well, mine is to love and be loved... My time is up, Michael," He squeezed my hands, as if just saying those words pained him. His blonde hair gradually turning grey, and his body becoming transparent. "Please don't go," I said, almost surprising myself with my words. "What?" He asked, looking up at me. "Please don't leave me," I whispered. "Why?" He questioned. "Because I'm your purpose," I said, kissing his cold, ghostly lips.

With that, his dull eyes glistened once again, his hair blonde, and his skin radiated.

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