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I'm hoping that "Luke" will leave me alone after talking to him. I'm still terrified that he'll hurt me despite what he says. Maybe this is what he does, he tells his victims he won't hurt them, then boom. I'm chopped up into several pieces in the bathtub.

I haven't taken a shower in three days because I don't want Luke to watch me, he probably wouldn't but I don't know what this ghost is into. I reluctantly strip and step into the shower, feeling the warm water cascading down my body. In the midst of washing my hair I heard a small tap. "Hello?" I asked, stopping my actions. Then the lights turned off. Pitch black. "Hey!" I yelled. "Turn them back on! What's your problem?" Just then the lights were back on and everything seemed normal. "Thank you," I said, continuing to wash my hair.

When the water ran cold I turned it off and stepped out. "Come on!" I yelled, seeing all of the cabinets in the bathroom open. I walked over to them closing them all once again, when I saw a message written in the condensation on the mirror. "Hello Michael" it read. "Hi, Luke," I said annoyed. "Please don't come in here while I'm showering you pervert,"

"Hey Calum," I spoke into the phone, sitting on the couch with a towel around my waist. "So guess what happened," I said. "Yeah, I used the Ouija board and it went great, his name is Luke, he seems pretty friendly, right Luke?" I asked, knowing I wouldn't get a response. "It was nice knowing you, dude, you're definitely gonna die," he said into the phone. "Fuck you, man, I'm gonna be fine, maybe I can even befriend him, wouldn't that be sick?" I asked. "No, that's fucking insane, Michael," he replied. "Yeah, whatever," I said. We said our goodbyes and hung up.

I pull the Ouija board out of my closet and set it in the newly cleaned living room. I sit on the ground and put my fingers on the piece. "Luke, do you have a body?" I ask. I feel my hands move. "Yes" the board says. "Can I see you?" "No" "Why not?" I ask. Nothing. "Will you ever show me what you look like?" I ask. "Maybe some day" the board says. "Why don't you like Calum?" I ask. "I want him dead" the board says, sending shivers down my spine. "Please tell me why," I say, my voice shaking. I feel my hands fly to "No" "Please don't hurt him, Luke," I whisper.


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