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"Calum what the fuck are you talking about?" I asked confused. "I'll tell you later we have to go," he said pulling my arm out of my apartment. We walked out of the complex and onto the street. I stopped and pulled on his arm, "Calum tell me what's going on right now," I demanded. "Your apartment complex is haunted. There is a crazy spirit in room 367 and it kills people, Michael," he said. "Oh," I said looking down. "Maybe if we try to communicate with it it won't be angry," I offered. He looked at me with a look of disgust. "Do you even listen to the words that come out of your mouth? That's fucking crazy!" He exclaimed. "I'm doing it," I persisted. "How? With a Ouija board?" He said making twinkle fingers around the words Ouija board. "Yes, yes I am," I confidently stated. "I'm going to get to know this ghost, and see if it will spare my life," "you're fucking mental," Calum laughed. "I'm having no part of this," he said. "Well I'll let you know how it goes," I said, walking away. I sit on a bench and pull out my phone. I google "St. Peters apartment complex haunted"

"St. Peter's Apartment Complex located in Sydney Australia has been haunted for years. Ghost in apartment number 367 torments anyone who lives in the complex. Has killed 30. Forced 60 to suicide. This spirit has been actively living in this room for over 200 years. Priests have attempted to bless the room but it has always failed. This spirit is powerful and angry."

This is a terrible idea.

I walk to the nearest shop and ask a worker if they sell Ouija boards, I follow her around the store until she finds them. I purchase one and begin my journey home.

I take a deep breath and open the door. "Jesus Christ," I breathe, looking at the trashed living room. The couch is upside down. The lamp is broken. All of the pictures are on the ground with broken frames. The picture of Calum and I is ripped in half. Leaving only me in the picture. The knives are still stabbed into the kitchen counter. I take the board out of the bag and sit on the ground. "I hope I don't make you angry," I say looking around. "I just want to get to know you," I put my fingers on the board and ask the obvious question, "Are there any spirits in here?" It takes a moment but I feel the piece being pushed. "Yes" "Okay, do you want to hurt me?" I asked. It took about a minute and I didn't breathe the entire time. I felt the piece moving. "No" I sighed a breath of relief. "What is your name?" "L-u-k-e" the board said. "Luke? Your name is Luke?" I asked. The piece moved. "Yes" "Okay, Luke, why have you been messing with me?" Nothing. I waited about two minutes and got nothing. "Okay that's fine, you don't have to answer anything if you don't want to, Luke," I said, calmly. "Is there anything else you want to tell me?" I asked. I felt the piece moving. "No" "Okay," I said, moving the piece to "goodbye"

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