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I haven't found motivation to unpack the rest of my things, but looking at the barren walls, I decided I need to get out my framed photos. I walk into my room and come back with an armful of pictures in frames. I set them on the ground and look through them. I have a photo of my mum and I from my sixteenth birthday party, a photo of my dad and I when I was ten, a photo of my best friend Calum and I, and a few other random pictures of family and friends. I hung them around the house and it makes it feel a little more like home. All that picture hanging made me pretty hungry. "All right Mr. Ghost, I'm gonna go get some food, don't miss me too bad," I said, grabbing my keys and walking out of the door.

I don't have a car because as I mentioned before I'm broke as fuck. So I walked to McDonald's which was only a few blocks away. I decided to eat there since I don't want to deal with ghosts or whatever stealing my food.

I put the key in the door and opened it, examining the room in front of me, "Shit," I said, dropping my keys. Every picture was turned upside down except for one. The one photo was of Calum and I, the only problem was, there's a huge crack over his face. This is really starting to freak me out. "Why?" I yelled pointing at the broken picture frame. "Tell me, dammit! Why!?" I yelled again. Nothing. I turned all of the frames right side up and took the picture of Calum and I out of the frame, and threw the frame in the trash. "That was ten dollars, ya know," I said looking in the cabinet for the tape dispenser. I walked over to the spot where the picture was and taped it to the wall. "What did Calum ever do to you, anyway?" I ask. I walk into my room, and examine it, making sure this ghost/burglar didn't mess with anything. It did. "No!" I gasped. "No, no, no, what is wrong with you?" I exclaimed running to my guitar which had all six strings cut right in half. It's getting closer to where I sleep.

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