Chapter 6

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Phil's Point Of View

"BUT DAN!" Dean cried, as Dan picked him up. "I WANT THAT TOY!" He was crying over the fact that the last stuffed bear had been sold. He thrashed around in Dan's arms. Tears were all over his face and we were getting strange looks.

"Um Phil. I think it's time to go." Dan looked at me, he was already getting agitated and wanted to leave. It was probably for the best that we had hit all of the other stores first before coming into the toy store.

"Okay." I smiled at him "lets go." We grabbed the bags and walked out, with a blubbering Dean hanging onto Dan's shoulder.

As soon as we made it outside, Dan put Dean on the floor. He then crouched down to his level and put a hand on his shoulder. "Dean, you cannot act like that in a store." He became serious and had a slight parental tone in his voice.

"But the toy was gone and I really wante-" Dan cut Dean off .

"No. Under no circumstances should you act like that. If you would have asked us nicely for the toy we would have seen if they had any extras. You don't need to scream and cry"

"O-oh okay" Dean looked down at the floor and became quite

Dan grabbed his chin in his hand and lifted his head up gently. He slightly smile and him and used his thumb to wipe away his tear. "I'm sorry I got so mad. Maybe we can come back Tommorow and see if they have anymore!" Dean smiled and started to jump and down.

"Yes yes yes!" He through his arms around Dan and then ran and hugged onto my legs. "Up!" He put his hands up and reached towards me. I looked at Dan and he only smiled harder. He took the bags from my hands so I could lift Dean up.

As soon as my arms were securely around him we began to walk to the car. Dean began to play with my fringe, putting it into different styles, and telling me what they were called.

"This one is called the gutair man!" He smiled and pulled my fringe upwards like a Mohawk. Dan pretend to be in awe and I just laughed.


We walked into the flat with a sleeping Dean rested on my shoulders. He had his small arms wrapped around my neck. I slowly and carefully walked into Dean's room, making sure I didn't bang his head on anything.

I safely made it to Dean's room and laid him down on the bed. He mumbled, but rolled on to his side and hugged the duvets.

I slowly walked out of his room, and quietly closed his door, careful not to wake him up. I strolled into the lounge and plopped down on the couch with Dan. I rested my head down on his shoulder, and smiled. I was so happy with my life and it felt like nothing could get better.

"You know, this is the most fun I've ever had Phil. I just love you so much and I love Dean and I just feel like my life has reached it's full potential" He began to draw circle on my back with his fingers. I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Do you remember when you were shorter than me? And insecure? And lonley" I looked into his warm brown eyes. "You have come so far and I am so proud of you." I laid my head down again and smiled to myself.

"Your gonna make me cry! You Dork!" He pulled me close and we just sat there. Not in an uncomfortable silence, but a calming one. For once, I was actually content with myself.


School has been frustrating and I haven't had a minute to write! So here is the update. I'm sorry it's short but the next one will be better!

See you soon


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