Chapter 7

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Dan's Point of View

I woke up to something made from nightmares. The lighting Phil and I used for our videos were all over the floor, and covered in small blue footprints. I jumped off the couch and stumbled after the trail of footprints that covered the floor. I made a sharp turn and smacked my head against the door frame.

"Owwwwwwww" I grunted, but kept walking. I looked and to my left I saw little Dean sitting in the middle of Phil and I's bedroom covered in blue paint, that he was rubbing into the carpet. "DEAN!!" I ran and picked him up holding him at arms length. "What did you do!?" He started to giggle and rolled around in my grasp.

"Art!" He exclaimed. I walked over to the floor and looked at the stain he had created.

"What are we going to do wi-" Suddenly Dean threw his arm forward and smacked me in the face, leaving a blue hand print. He giggled again, but stopped abruptly as soon as he saw my face. I felt sudden anger rage through me. I stormed into the lounge with Dean struggling to escape my grasp, although I had a firm grip on him. "PHIL!" I yelled as soon as I had reached the couch he was asleep on.

He sleepily rubbed his eyes and looked at me. Dean looked at him and tried to get to him, but still I held him in my arms. "Um... Dan?" Phil looked around the room and then back at me. "What the heck happened!" He stood up and then looked at Dean. The blue covered, child stared at him and started to laugh. He reached for Phil, and finally I handed him over.

"He hit me!" I pointed to the blue hand print "And here's the proof!" I felt the anger drain from my body and i started to laugh. "The suspect is right in front of me!" I walked up to Dean with my hands out. I started to tickle him and he began to laugh uncontrollably.  "What are we supposed to do with a dangerous monster that runs around hitting people, Phil?" Phil chuckled and looked back at me.

"Well Dan. I think we tickle them!" Phil began to tickle him along with me while her thrashed around in Phil's arms, laughing like crazy. This went on for a few minutes, and we decided it was time for him to take a bath.


We warmed up the bath tub with some hot water and filled it with bubbles. Dean was playing with the bubbles and splashing the water on Phil and I soaking us, and the floor! "Dean! Be careful or we will have a flood!" Phil grabbed a towel and wrapped it around Dean while lifting him out of the tub. "Lets go little man! We need to get ready for dinner!" Phil walked out of the bathroom with Dean and I was left to clean up the bathroom.

I wiped up the water with the towel that was not being used, and when I looked in the tub, I saw that Dean had gotten blue all over the white bathroom. I grabbed the cleaner off out from under the sink and began to wash off the blue stains that covered the surface area of the white ceramic. It took about twenty minutes and the bathtub was not 100% clean, but it was good enough. I stood up and I felt my legs go weak. Darkness began closing around my vision and i felt myself falling. I felt a sharp pain in my arm and then I passed out.





Are you my new Parents? (Adopted by Phan)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora