Chapter 13

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*potentially triggering... I'm not sure but I figured I should mention it just in case *

Dans POV

“Hey this is Phil, leave a message at the rawr!!”

I gripped the iPhone in my fist so tight I thought I might shatter it. “Phil please” I said quietly. “Please let me explain” I ended the call and slammed the phone down on the smooth counter.

“What the fuck!” I screamed out, punching a whole in the wall behind me. “Why the fuck was I so stupid!” I continuously punched and kicked the wall until the blood from my knuckles was spread all

I stormed to the cupboard and pulled out a bottle of pure vodka. I ripped of the lid and threw it into the flat somewhere.

Not going to need that. I thought to myself.

I put the cold glass to my lips and tipped my head back, hissing at the sensation of burning from the   liquid poison. I was already beginning to feel the affects of the alcohol, bit that didn’t matter. I had no intentions of remembering what happened today.

Phil’s POV

I tried to hold myself together for Dean, I really tried but the empty feeling in my chest was really making it difficult.

“Where are we going Phil?” Dean asked me. His eyes were still watering, but overall he seemed calmer.

“We are going to Aunt Zoë's and Uncle Alfie’s house. We might be staying with them for a few days.” I looked down at him and frowned slightly. I really wished I didn’t have to raise him in a broken home.

“Oh… okay” be looked down at his feet as he walked, but even without seeing his face I could tell he was crying.

30 minutes later

I knocked three times on the Zalfie flat's door. I tried to take deep breaths and act like everything was okay but it was becoming harder each minute.

Suddenly Zoë opened the door and smiled. “Phil! Dean!” she squealed pulling us into a hug. I saw Alfie emerge behind her, and immediately Dean ran to him.

“Alfie!” he yelled as Alfie picked him up and spun him around. I laughed quietly as I put my bag on the ground.

Zoë closed the door and turned to me. “Where’s Dan?” she asked, barely speaking above a whisper.

Hearing his name made my heart shatter and my stomach drop. I felt a lump rise in my throat and I tried to bite back tears. “Uh-he. I don’t think- uh its gonna work” I crossed my arms as I felt tears slide down my face, the droplets puttering to the ground around my shoes.

I heard Zoë gasp, “Oh my god Phil.” She said, as she pulled me into the most comforting hug I had received all day. “What happened” she asked, so quietly that I barley heard her.

“He loves somebody else” I said.

And with those four words, the wall I had built up inside me broke.


So I wanted to update but I'm not 100%/happy with this chapter so I'm probably gonna rewrite it later.

Hope you like this trash for now!



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