He Does Now

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Chapter 3

The moment they were out of ear shot, Sasuke turned to the jounin that dared to even look at his nephews and niece. Ibiki sighed, as though expecting all this, yet still not wanting to deal with it. They were silent for a moment, adding to the suspense of the conversation to come.

The jounin looked like he wanted to avoid it, but from the look in the avenger's eye, he had no choice but to approach the raven. Sasuke had never liked him, not for as long as they had known each other. He was convinced the man meant nothing but harm to Itachi's kits.

"Can we quit with the dramatics?" Ibiki finally asked.

The eldest Uchiha leaned against the wall opposite the interrogator. "I thought you loved that, always makes the suspect crack faster right? Just have to get them out of their comfort zone, don't you?"

The scarred man rolled his eyes, mirroring the boy's stance, but leaning against the other wall. He wondered if the raven knew how childish he was being. He was acting like he was the one that had tried to kill the half-demons' mother twice.

Taking it that Ibiki wouldn't reply to his comment, Sasuke went on, anger burning in the depths of his mismatched orbs. "Why have you come?"

It wasn't the question he'd been expecting, but the jounin didn't let the younger male know that. He already looked ready to use rinnegan on him. "Sakura invited me to meet my grandchildr-.."

"They're not your grandchildren." The Uchiha snarled almost immediately, his gaze becoming more deadly by the minute.

"Sasuke, Yuna was my daughter, in a manner of speaking." Ibiki said, keeping his calm demeanor, unlike the avenger. "Meaning they're my grandkids."

"You were her legal guardian, you have no right to be here. She hated you."

That one hurt, the jounin had always tried to reason that she just didn't like people in general. It was nothing against him personally, that she did like him she just didn't know how to react to him.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but she hated you more."

"I've been forgiven. You however have not." Sasuke said sharply, turning his head slightly to the side. "Not that it matters, as the last living blood relative, guardianship of the triplets goes to me, meaning I have the power to bar you from ever seeing them again."

The special ops arched a brow at this, the scowl wiping clean off his face. "Blood relative? You're not related to Yuna in the slightest, not even through paperwork."

At this the raven grinned ever so darkly. "You don't even know who their father is do you?" He looked all too pleased at the confusion that clouded the interrogator's gaze. "I'll give you a hint, he's related to me and I killed him."


"Bingo. Even with your guardianship over Yuna, I'm the next of kin." The Uchiha growled, his grin falling back into a scowl.

Some jounin Ibiki was, the man didn't even know who the female crimsonette had been sneaking around with. He wondered how much the man even knew about the Yuna he'd met after she'd joined Akatsuki. Had he even seen her since before they left the village the first time?

Unknown to the Uchiha, Ibiki had met Yuna after she'd run off to the Akatsuki. He'd tried to restart with her after her memories abandoned her, but time had not been on his side. Yuna had rediscovered who she was before he could even get the chance to know the new her, and she'd left without so much as a note goodbye.

The last memory he had of the demoness, aside from the giant kyuubi slaying juubi on the battlefield, was when he'd tucked her into bed. The night she snuck out to Sakura's house, the day before she remembered everything. She'd seemed so innocent yet guilty that night.

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