They're Perfect

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Chapter 6

"Naruto.... Why is there....... a black spot......... on my..... kitchen floor?"

Sasuke looked like he was on the verge of summoning his Susanoo, the trio before him all sweat dropped. The blonde in question looked to be covered in whatever was staining his brand new kitchen floor's tile. He wasn't completely sure, but he was almost positive there had been a fire with the dope at it's source.

"Well... You see...." Naruto began, but broke off as he thought of what the Uchiha's reaction would be.

"We accidentally set one of the boxes on fire and Naruto tried to put it out but only made it worse. Then Sai put it out with a fire extinguisher." Sakura said quickly.

That explained the white foam that he was currently stopping three excited kits from rolling around in. His foot was constantly moving back and forth to prevent the little ones from crawling into the room. He almost wished they were back in their sleep most the day stage.

"And the reason the box was set on fire is?"

"Naruto-kun placed it too close to the candles." Sai explained, pointing at the three candles on the kitchen counter, all three still burning strong.

"Why are they lit in the first place." The avenger asked, pushing one of the kits back with his foot. He heard a familiar growl before little claws tried to dig into his flesh, too bad for the crimson beast, but he'd come prepared with an extra pair of socks. Zero's nails were too short to do anything.

"They're scented." Sakura answered. "They're getting rid of the smell of bleach."

His brow furrowed as he finally lifted his brother's children off the ground, preventing them from getting covered in foam. There were growls and squeaks of annoyance, but he ignored them. He didn't want them to try eating any of the fire extinguisher fluid or burnt cardboard.

"And the burnt Naruto-kun stench." Sai added, with his usual annoying smile.

Sakura forced a smile as she tried to stop her left eye from twitching in aggravation. "Don't worry about it, Sai and I'll clean this up, Naruto will change and get the drinks, and everything will be fine, we still have an hour, why don't you set up something for the kids?" She offered, turning him away from the kitchen.

"I just got this apartment.." Sasuke said, as though they didn't already know that. "And already there's something ruined.."

She pitied the Uchiha greatly as he made his way to the triplet's playpen, placing down Mio and Zero. Hiro remaining in his hold as he took some toys out of the chest beside it and into 'the cage', as Naruto liked to refer to it.

"I didn't even get to make the first mark.." He mumbled, before letting the raven kyuubi join his little brother and sister. They either didn't notice or were ignoring their uncle's mood, more focused on the toys he was handing to them.

Mio churred in delight as she batted a rattle around, just barely missing one of her brothers. Hiro was more content to just watch her while holding a stuffed bear. Zero, the crimson devil, paid the toys no mind. His attention on the walls of his prison, trying to find a way out.


Why had he ever agreed to this? Especially to hold to party in his own home. He'd only just moved in, what made him think this was a good idea? How many of these people had he even spoken to on a personal level?

Sasuke scanned his living room, checking off mentally in his head which faces he could put names to and which he couldn't. Who were these children he was watching Naruto joke around with? He was sure he'd seen them a few times, but he'd never actually interacted or spoken with them.

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