Chapter 4 - Help Is On The Way

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I woke up early on Saturday afternoon, in a good mood, I finally felt like things were going to start looking up for me. I'd had fun the entire evening, and sitting with Tyler in the barn was wonderful; it'd felt like forever since I'd had a one on one conversation where there wasn't anything to worry about. I hadn't been myself like that in a while, and I felt a little lighter, like the weight on my shoulders was a little less.

I'd also appreciated the way Tyler had simply given me a hug when he'd dropped me off. He'd kept the engine idling as I walked up to the front door, and only once the door was open did he leave.

I sat up in bed, my brain threw Rebecca's name at me and I wondered if it was something that I should dig up.

It was half past one in the afternoon when I walked into the kitchen. Clare smiled at me as she pulled a pie out of the oven, "Did you have a good evening?"

"Yeah, it was great thanks," I smiled. "How was your evening?" I sat down at the breakfast bar and Clare put the pie on the centre island before grabbing three plates from the cupboard. The question about Rebecca was sitting at the edge of my tongue, but my mother had taught me to be polite and not intrude on people's boundaries.

"It wasn't too bad, thanks." She smiled at me. "Phil, Lunch!" she called, and it was a few seconds before Phil walked out of the living room and into the kitchen.

He drew in a deep breath. "That smells amazing." He licked his lips dramatically before smiling at me. "Afternoon sleepy head, do you have a hangover?"

I laughed, "Nope, no hang over. I didn't even drink."

He raised his eyebrows curiously at me, but Clare cleared her throat.

Phil helped himself to a piece of pie, and Clare placed a piece on a plate for me. I climbed off the stool and picked up the plate before following Clare and Phil into the dining room. I slipped into my usual seat, facing the window that looked out onto the front lawn.

"So, what did you do last night? You arrived home awfully late." I could hear the concern in her voice.

I smiled at her. "I went to the game, and then some mates and I went to someone's house and we just chilled and talked all evening."

"Suspicious," Phil answered. "Were there any boys there?"

I felt my face go red. "Well, yeah. But nothing happened, I promise."

There was a moment of hesitation before Clare spoke "There was a boy who picked you up and dropped you off last night, did nothing happen with him?"

I could feel my face burning up, and I was sure that I looked like a tomato. I laughed, "No, nothing happened with him. He's really cool, but we're just getting to know each other. Strictly friends." I guessed that it was okay to say that we were friends.

"I'm glad that you've made friends so quickly, Ada," Phil smiled at me, and I knew that he genuinely meant it. He turned to Clare, "Oh, I made a reservation at that restaurant that you've been wanting to go to so badly – The Monaroti."

"Oh, my word," she breathed. "Are you serious! I love you so much!"

Phil chuckled proudly as Clare touched his hand affectionately. Saturday night was date night for them, and Sarah often spent the night with friends, so it meant that on a Saturday, the house was pretty much mine.

I spent the afternoon working on my art project. I lay on my bed, doodling different things from the reference pictures. My piece was called 'Rain Drops', and each different drop showed a different part of life; from falling in love to having a family, to love and death, and everything in between.

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