Chapter 9 - Mother Sarah Banned Me

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"Okay," Sarah stared at me from across the passage, her arms crossed over her chest with her gaze locked on me. "Are you going to the party tonight or not?"

I felt as though if I had said yes, she would have stabbed me right there.

"No," I answered flatly. "Why would I?"

She rolled her eyes, "You went last week. So, maybe you enjoyed yourself so much that you decided that you like the whole party scene, and you want to go every week and hang out with my friends."

I wanted to correct her that they were now mine, but I held my tongue. I let out a breath of disbelief, it was weird understanding her point of view, but I still didn't understand why she was so stuck up about everything. 'Her' friends, that she'd cut out of her life. 'Her' school that I also attended. "I'm not going," I repeated. "Enjoy your party tonight," I told her venomously before turning and entering my room. I wanted to slam the door at her, but Clare was downstairs, and she was still hoping that Sarah and I would suddenly click as best friends; I didn't want her to know how difficult Sarah was making my life, Sarah didn't need that negativity from her parents.

My phone rang as I closed the door and I grabbed it off my bed before answering, "Tell me something good."

"I'm getting laid tonight," Kit said into the receiver.

I laughed. "I meant something good for me." I didn't need to know about Kit's sex life. "I guess you're going to the party then, huh?"

"Of course, aren't you coming?" He sounded disappointed. I couldn't tell who I was closer to out of my few friends, Kit and I had an honest but playful friendship, whereas with Ryder and Tyler it was very different.

I sighed, "No, mother Sarah banned me from it." I tried for a laugh. There was a part of me that hated how inexperienced I felt, other than Chloe and Ryder, I was a year younger than everyone else; and both of them had so many stories of adventures that they had had, both drunk and sober. "You guys can pick me up tomorrow and pine about it."

Kit sighed. "She said that she's not coming." There was some soft negotiating before the phone moved.

"Stop lying and get dressed, we'll be there in half an hour," Ryder said in a tone that implied that there was no other option.

I sighed, "I can't. Look, Sarah won't let me and I don't want to start something between us. You guys can go and enjoy the party, and we'll hang out tomorrow; we can tell each other about our evenings."

Ryder stayed quiet for a moment, and when he spoke again, I could imagine him sitting with his arms crossed over his chest. "Fine. But I'm picking you up early, and we're doing something fun."

"Sounds like a plan," I smiled. "See ya."

"Have fun," he said before hanging up. I sighed as I dropped my phone onto my bed and tried to think of something to do with my evening. I figured that I could do a favourite-childhood-movies marathon and eat all the junk food in the house.

I knew that Clare and Phil had a function with Phil's office, which was supposed to end late that evening, so I had the house to myself for most of the night. I sighed, I didn't want to spend the whole Friday night by myself and I mentally ran through the short list of friends.

I was about to pick up my phone when there was a knock at the door and I pulled it open. Clare looked beautiful with her hair clipped back. She wore a formal, dark navy dress with a touch of make-up. "You look lovely."

She blushed a little, "Thank you dear. I just wanted you to know that if you're staying home tonight, there's pizza money on the mantelpiece."

"Thank you," I smiled. "May I have a friend over tonight?"

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