Chapter 17 - I'm Not Sorry

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"I'm sorry about the other night," I wasn't entirely sure for what I was apologising, but I didn't want Alex to have a reason for not talking to me. The colours of the setting sun shone in my room, slowing fading into a warm darkness as I held the phone against my ear.

"It's fine. I'm just glad I didn't get punched in the face," he laughed.

I laughed a little, but I sounded awkward. "Me too."

"Have you heard from Tyler since?"

I shook my head, even though he couldn't see me, "I don't know if he'll talk to me."

"Try him anyway." Alex sounded like he knew something that I didn't.


"Anyway, I'll catch you later; I have to work now."

"Have fun," I answered before hanging up.

I lay back on my bed and let out a heavy sigh. I didn't want to talk to Tyler in case he was holding Ryder's irrational actions against me, and the idea of calling him and being ignored scared me. I settled for simply sending him a text.

'I didn't mean for it to go down like that. I'm sorry.'

I wondered if my summer would remain like this; waiting for the days to pass like I had for the past two days; or would Sarah swoop in and help me escape the house every now and again?

My phone buzzed and Ryder's name flashed on my screen, I rolled over, not sure if I wanted to talk to him; this was the first contact we'd had since he'd dropped me off after the party.

"Hi," I answered the call, trying to sound indifferent. I was so torn, part of me was angry at him and the other part of me just wanted to tell him to forget about everything – none of it mattered if it meant that I would lose him.

"Hey," I could sense how awkward he was feeling through the phone.


"Can I pick you up?" Was he nervous?

"Yeah, just let me grab a jacket." I hesitated for a moment, "Is it just going to be us two?"

He paused, "Yeah, I just want to talk to you. Kit wants to meet up with us afterwards; but it's up to you what happens."

I felt as though he was putting too much emphasis on the last part of his sentence.

"Okay," I said.

"I'll be pulling up in about three minutes, do you want to meet me outside?"

A slight smile forced its way onto my face, "See you now."

I ended the call, grabbed a hoodie from my cupboard and slipped on a pair of sneakers, before heading down the stairs. I heard Ryder pull into the drive next door as I entered the kitchen. Clare was standing at the counter, beginning to chop vegetables for dinner. She looked up at me as I entered, "Are you going somewhere?"

I hadn't been able to form the words to explain what had happened when I'd broken-down after the party, but Phil and Clare had held me and waited patiently until I'd calmed down enough to stop crying. They'd accepted that I didn't want to talk about it, and simply invited me to join them with some ice cream to finish the comedy that they had been watching.

Since then I'd noticed their concern when they spoke to me; but I hoped as I was going out for the first time in a couple of days they would be reassured.

I tried for a smile, "Ryder wants to hang out, is it okay if I go?"

She hesitated for a moment, "I know he was part of the reason for the other night – just be safe, and tell him that if he upsets you again, I've got a collection of sharp carving knives."

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