Chapter 2 - The Girl Who Was Adopted

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I stepped into the kitchen and I spotted Clare and Phil just outside the dining room, close to the entrance hall. Phil was placing a kiss on his wife's cheek, "Have a great day, love," he smiled at her, with all the adoration in the world. "I love you so much."

"I love you, too," Clare looked at her husband like a teenager in love. I looked away, feeling sick to my stomach; anything that involved parents being all adorable and lovey-dovey together made me feel sick. Clare turned around and spotted me, "Good morning, Ada."

Phil looked at me, "Good luck for your first day!" he grinned at me, "Oh, Clare has a little gift for you." He turned around and with one last smile cast at his wife, he stepped out the door, pulling it closed behind him.

Clare walked over and picked up a box off the breakfast bar, "Here."

"Thank you," I took the box awkwardly, wondering what it could be. The box was plain cardboard, with nothing to give away what was inside. I hesitantly opened the tape on the edges, my curiosity getting the best of me.

"Do you want some coffee?" Clare smiled at me as she poured herself some.

"Yes please." A smaller box without a top slid out of the cardboard and I stared at it in amazement as the cell phone fell into my hand.

"Surprise." Clare coo'ed as she put the mug in front of me. "We thought that you would probably need a phone."

"I can't accept this," I breathed. It was too much, after everything that they had done for me already. I felt guilty for wanting the phone, I'd always wanted one – but they'd done so much. The greedy part of me wanted to curl my fingers around it and never let go, I'd always seen teenagers in town on their phones, and there'd always been a part of me that wanted my own – even though there was no one I wanted to contact.

"Of course, you can," Clare grinned at me. "It's not brand new, but it works perfectly fine. The screen is in good condition, and if there are any problems, just let me know and I can get it repaired."

"Thank you," I whispered. "But, I really can't. It's too much."

"Is it?" Clare peeked over my shoulder, as though taking a glance at what was in my hands for the first time. "I thought it would be just right. You will need to contact us somehow, and you'll need somewhere to store all your new friends' numbers." For a moment she hesitated before bumping me playfully, "It's a gift, dear. It's too late, it's yours; there's nothing you can do about it."

"Thank you," I smiled. I pressed the lock button on the side of the phone, and the screen burst into light. The wallpaper was plain white with the words 'welcome to the family'. I smiled at Clare, "I really appreciate it."

"It's no problem, dear." She smiled as she walked back into the kitchen. She pulled open one of the cupboards and peeked around at me, "Do you want any breakfast? We have a lot of cereal, but Sarah never eats it."

"No, thank you," I laughed awkwardly as I pulled my mug of coffee closer. "I'm too nervous."

"If you get there early, we can have you registered and somewhat settled before too many people arrive," Clare suggested enthusiastically as she knocked the cupboard closed with her hip.

"Sure, thank you," I smiled. I didn't like the idea of being there too early, but Clare seemed very set on the idea, and I didn't want to turn her down; after all, she was just trying to make my life as easy as possible. "I'd appreciate that."

"Let me just grab my purse," She turned out of the kitchen and headed down the small passage where her room was located. I sat for a moment as I drank my coffee, trying to relax myself. The worst thing that could happen was that I arrived at the school, and was a little bullied; the best thing that could happen was that I settled into the swing of things quickly and made friends.

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