Thank you note

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As I said earlier, the bonus chapter would be followed by a thank you note, and well... Here it is!

To start things off, I'm going to thank the copious amounts of sugar that I ate to keep me up on nights when I couldn't get a wink of sleep until I wrote down a certain chapter. Haha

Next, I'm going to thank the readers who have been with me from the beginning. You guys are my biggest sense of inspiration! You guys always know what to say to keep me going. :)

Moving along, I want to thank the new readers who have just started reading my stuff. You guys show me that my works are still being discovered and that gives me hope. One day (hopefully soon) I want to finish writing the original piece that I'm working on and get it published. You guys have showed me that I just need to get my stuff out there and people will read it, so thanks a bunch!

Lastly, I want to thank myself. (Sounds narcissistic, I know). I've just recently been diagnosed with anxiety, so for me to get the courage to get my stuff out there and deal with whatever feedback I may get is an accomplishment to me. I think we all need to remember that we're only humans, but who says that isn't enough? If you've always wanted to post a story of your own, then who's stopping you? You are unique and special and amazing, and you need to remind yourself that anything you do has worth. If you ever want to talk to me, or want me to read some of your work, just drop me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I really love you guys and I want you guys to feel accepted when you're on my page or reading my stuff. I've always said that my stories are judgement free, so don't be afraid to be yourself. :)

Thanks for reading, remember to smile, and spread love like butter! -Tianne :)

Ps - this probably won't be the last solangelo piece I write so follow me to be notified when I post new stories! :)

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