Chapter 2

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Isa woke up slowly. She was laying with her head on a cold chest. The chest was going up and the person sigh peaceful. A hand was laying on her head. Isa opened her eyes. 'What happened with bat?' she asked sleepy. She looked directly in the eyes of the boy who was sitting on her legs. 'Hey, my name is Vernon,' the boy said. He laughed so she could see his sharp incisors. Isa sighed. 'You're a vampire.' She said. 'Yup, don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you,' Vernon said. Isa sighed again. She looked at his bonded arm. 'Does it hurt?' she asked. 'No, it held because I drunk your blood.' Vernon said. 'Can you get off me, please?' she asked. 'Oh... yeah of course,' he said and he stood up. 'Thanks for saving me.' 'Why didn't you turn back in your vampire form?' Isa ask. 'When vampires been hinted as a bat, they couldn't turn back until they drink blood.' Vernon sad. There came noises from above. 'I'm sorry, but you have to go. My brother will kill me if he knows a vampire is here,' Isa said.

Vampires: Vampires are creatures who drink blood. They have sharp incisors, a white skin and red eyes. They behave charming so humans would fall easy for them. A vampire can turn into a bat. Vampires are super-fast and super strong. When vampires been hinted as a bat, they couldn't turn back until they drink blood.

Isa walked into Jacks room. He was laying in his bed, like most of the time. 'Hey Jack, how are you?' she asked. 'Bad, I thought you would be gone for a few days,' Jack said. 'Yes, but first I wanted to say goodbye to you. Elin will take care of you,' Isa said. 'Take care of yourself Isa, outside is dangerous. What happened yesterday, I heard weird noises?' Jack asked. 'Oh... that was nothing. I had saved a bat out of a hogweed,' lied Isa. 'Okay,' Jack said. He felt asleep again. Isa sighed. After their parents died, Jack learned Isa to protect herself opposite Monsters. Isa have to take always her bag with her, with her knife, the book of her parents and bread. Also Jack took over their parents job as monster hunter. Most of the days he came back with a corpse of a monster. He collected the teeth of a vampire, wings of Falling Angels and the fur of a werewolf. But after a couple years Jack became too sick to even get out his bed. Isa took care of him and food.

Isa had agreed with her best friends, Sia and Minah, to search for Fairies in the wood. The little brother of Minah is very sick, so she need a Fairy to. But Isa knew she too late, they are probably already gone. Isa walked out the door. 'Hey,' Vernon sad. Isa quickly turned around. Vernon was leaned on the wall of the house 'What are you doing here?' she said. Vernon walked to her and stand close to her so she could feel his cold breath. 'Because I like you,' he said. 'What does he mean by that?' thought Isa. 'I had to go,' she said. Isa walked away. 'Where are you going to?' Vernon walked next to her. Isa sighed. 'I'm going in to the woods, searching for Fairies, with my best friend. But because of you, I'm too late. Goodbye.' Isa run away.

Isa arrives at the forest edge. 'They are gone. Oh well then?' Isa said. She walked in to the wood with her knife in her hand. After a half hour Isa saw a boy with long blond hair in a black suit. He picked a red rose and smelt an it. Isa walked to him. He turned around to face her. He got dark bruin 'Excuses me, my name is Isa. Did you see two girls walking that way?' Isa said. The mouth angle of the boy went up. he grabbed her wrists tightly. His hair turned bruin and his eyes became red. two black wings grew from his back. 'Hello, my name is Jeonghan. You heart id beating so fast.' The boy said. Isa panicked. 'He is a Falling Angel,' though Isa. 'Let her good,' Vernon jelled. He was running to them and punched Jeonghan in the face. Jeonghan felt on the ground with his hand covering his face. Vernon put his arm around Isa. 'are you alright?' Vernon said. 'What is going on here?' two male Falling Angel where standing in front of them. The closes one had pink hair and was smaller than Isa. The other one had a pale skin and black hair. Vernon let Isa go and looked at the Falling Angels. 'look at that. Vernon who protect a human girl, how interesting.' The boy with the pink hair said. 'Wait a minute. I know you,' he said. He walked to Isa. 'Wonwoo help Jeonghan,' He said well walking. The boy with black hair did what he said. Isa takes a step to eight but de boy with the pink hair took her hand and looked deep in her eyes. 'get your hands off her, you heart eater.' Vernon said. 'Shut up, blood sucker.' He said will looking in Isa's eyes. 'You are that monster hunter daughter. Isabella.' The boy said after a couple seconds. He let go of her hand. 'My name is Woozi. What are you doing in the woods?' he said. Isa looked amazed at him. 'What is going on here?' a choice after them sad. They turned around to face the two vampire after them. The first one had black hair and brown eyes. The other one had curly dark brown hair. He signed and walked to them. 'What did you do this time, Vernon?' he said. 'What do you want, Jun and DK?' Vernon said grumpy. Jun touched Isa's chin. 'And how is this?' he said end looked deep in her eyes. 'Don't touch her.' Vernon jelled. 'Shhh... you didn't just keep her for yourself, did you?' Jun said. 'I'm not a toy or something,' Isa said and she pushed his hand away. 'Back to my question,' DK said 'What is going on here?' Isa stepped in his way. 'Eh... I'm searching for fairies. Then I saw Jeonghan and...' '...And then Vernon attacked me.' Jeonghan said. DK sighed. 'You know, it is dangerous to go alone in to the woods, human,' Wonwoo said. 'I know. I was searching for my friends.' Isa said. 'I can take you to the fairies,' Woozi said. 'No,' Vernon said. 'Well I know the way,' Woozi said. 'Than I'm going too.' Vernon said. 'Okay,' Isa said. Jun sighed. 'Well than we got to go.' Jun said. Touched Isa's chin again and looked in her eyes. 'We didn't ways our time. It was nice to meet you. Goodbye.' Isa saw to bite wounds on his neck. She realized, Vernon didn't have those. Jun and DK disappeared. Isa looked up to Wonwoo and Jeonghan. They both smiled charming to her. 'Goodbye,' Jeonghan said. They disappeared.

Falling Angels: Falling Angels are creatures with two personalities, a dark side and a charming side. They have black wings when they are in their dark side. The charming side is to attract humans. Falling Angels eat heart from humans. Falling angels can see your personality and past, when they look deep in you eyes.

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