Chapter 3

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Isa was walking next to Woozi. Vernon walked after them. 'Eh... Woozi... you sad that you already knew me... what was that?' Isa asked. 'I had seen you a couple time when you was younger. I saw your brother learning you about how dangerous fairies are, but you doesn't want to belief he because you knew fairies had a reason to do something like that. I think you loved fairytales,' Woozi said. Isa smiled at him. 'How old are you?' Isa said. 'Let's say I'm 18.' He said with a smile 'I also saw the fights between you and your brother, you wanted to bring him to fairy but he didn't wanted. Why did you go anyway?' Woozi said. Isa sighed. 'He is the only family I have left. I would do everything to save him,' Isa said. Woozi smiled a little. 'why did you go alone? Monsters are dangerous,' Woozi said. 'I was going with my friend but I was too late. And after Vernon kicked Jeonghan's ass. I knew he won't let a someone hurt me,' Isa said. She looked after her to Vernon and smiled to him. He smiled back so she could see his teeth.

After a half hour, they see a wooden hut. Isa looked up to the sky. 'It's getting dark. Mabey we should go to the hut and sleep there,' Isa said. 'Sleep? We don't sleep,' Vernon said. 'Oh... eh... well...' Isa said. 'It would be so Twilight, to watch you sleep. So we will go to the hut so you can sleep.' Vernon smiled at Isa. They walk to the hut. Isa tried to open the door. Locked. 'Damit,' Isa said. 'Who's there?' Joëlle choice came for the hut. 'Sia? It me Isa,' Isa sad. Sia opened the door. 'Isa!' Joëlle said.

Isa remembered the day she met Sia and Minah. It was a year after her parents died, she didn't go to school sins then. Jack was hunting the hole day, like every day. A man knocked on the door. Isa opened the eye hatch in the door and hold her knife by her eye. 'Are you a monster?' Isa said. The man smiled a little. 'No, I'm not a monster,' 'Prove it,' Isa said. The man took something out of his bag. It was the emblem of the monster hunting group where her parents where a member of. 'put your weapon on the ground.' Isa said. The man hesitated. He let go of his purple gun. 'What are you doing here?' she asked. 'I'm Will Miltons. I'm here to pick you up to bring you to school. This is agreed with your parents.' The man said. After Isa's parents died, she didn't go to school. Jack said it was too dangerous and he could bring her so she have to stay home. 'okay. one minute, please,' Isa said. She took her bag and left a paper with I'm on school mom and dad agreed on a secret place only Jack knew were. She walked out of the house and look at the man. 'my name is Isa.' She said. 'I know Isabella.' Will said. They walked to the red car, who was standing for the house. Will opened the door. in the back seat were two girl, one with brown eyes with Hipster glasses and blue hair, and the other one with red short hair and green eyes. They looked sad. 'Isa, these girls are Minah and Sia,' Will said. Isa sat down next to them. The ride to school the girls didn't say a word to each other. Isa only cried. After a month, Sia and Minah laid around Isa and cried with her. The begin of a strong friendship. Sia's told that her two little brothers and sister wear attacked by Falling Angels two year ago back then. Her parents were also monster hunters and after their children died, they stopped hunting. Minah's dad was also a monster hunter. His been killed 5 years ago back then by vampires. Her mother became depressed and Minah had to take care of her little brother.

Isa gave her friends a huge. 'Oh... eh... this is Vernon and Woozi,' Isa said. Minah took her gun. 'Monsters,' Sia said. 'Ho Ho... no... It's okay. They are good. Vernon protected me and Woozi knows the way to the fairy's,' Isa said. Minah put her gun down. She smiled at Isa. 'If you sad so,' Isa gave them a hug again. Isa turn around to face Vernon and Woozi. 'Guys, This is Minah and Sia. My best friends,' Isa said. 'Hi,' Vernon said. 'Hello, nice to meet you.' Woozi said. Isa stepped inside. 'Ehm... Isa... I'm going to hunt, okay?' Vernon said. Isa looked him in the eyes. 'I'm going to hunt too.' Woozi said. 'Okay.' Isa said. The guys turned to walk away. Isa took Vernons hand. 'You're coming back, right?' Isa said. Vernon smiled. 'Of course.'

Isa told Sia and Minah what happened today and yesterday. Isa looked around in the hut. There only stand two beds. 'If you two sleep in the bed, then I will sleep on the floor.' Isa said. 'And the Boys?' Minah said. 'They don't sleep,' Isa said.

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