Part 2

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Amrita woke up the next day to one of those days when the earth dries her hair in the bright sun after a thorough rain shower. The light breeze was cool and as a cherry on top, the day was Saturday.

Amrita texted her friend Nisha, I have a half day's work today. Let's meet at the cafe, at say, 12.

Nisha texted an instant reply, brushing my teeth, will let u know in 15 min.

Nisha and Amrita had met in school and had been friends ever since. Nisha worked at a publishing house in Doon, the same city as Amrita's.

Amrita owned a bakery called 'Aromas'. It was a neat and cosy little place with comfy settees, freshly baked cupcakes, pastries, cakes and all kinds of breads. She entered her bakery and took in a deep breath savouring the fragrance of baking. Her staff had started the preparations for the day as usual. She tied her apron and went to see how things were going behind the curtains in the kitchen.

Just then, her mom called asking her to be back home early that day. She also said, "Amrita, last night your father and I were talking with your uncle and aunt on the phone about their visit. You remember I told you they are coming with their family friends, the Singhals?" Mrs Sarika waited for a reply.

"Yes, of course mumma, you told me of it only yesterday. What about it? Hurry up, I have work to get back to," Amrita replied.

Mrs Sarika obliged, "Well, apparently the Singhals are coming with their two sons and one of them is around your age. He is very well settled. All our families think it would be a great idea for you and Arjun to meet. That's his name."

"What do you mean for me and him to meet?" Amrita asked a little confused.

"Dear child, don't you understand? Come home and we will talk. Okay, bye now, I have work to do." Mrs Sarika hung up.

"Wait, mom, do you mean..." But Amrita's words fell in the empty space as the receiver on the other end was already back in its place.

Amrita met Nisha in the cafe next to her bakery and told her about the upcoming guest visit and the meeting their families had decided to set up.

"So, a boy huh?" Nisha hit Amrita on the hand lightly teasing.

"Damn! I just want some peace and quiet," Amrita sighed. "I am not ready for all this permanently getting hitched concept of marriage. I want out."

Nisha looked at her seriously, "Girl, you aren't even in the soup yet, you have not even met the man and you want to run away. You have too active an imagination. Maybe you guys won't like each other and then it'll be over right there."

Amrita took a big sip of her coffee and an equally big bite of the sandwich. She pondered for a while, then replied, "Maybe you are right. It will be over soon, it is just about today. But the thing is then there will be more people I will be forced to meet; I don't want to do that either. When I need to meet someone I will, on my own. Why all this drama?"

Nisha gave her a smile, "Maybe this is the right time for you to meet someone. These meetings are just an excuse to do that."

They both finished their coffee and got up paying the bill. The coffee at the place was really nice and it offered a little change of scenery from the Aromas bakery. Amrita paid a final, cursory visit to her bakery and after handing over the charge to her trustworthy manager Harish, she went home with Nisha.

It had taken Amrita hard work and perseverance to build Aromas from the scratch, though finding good and honest staff had been all luck.

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