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I groaned when I felt someone shaking me. "....ney... hone... honey!"

I slowly opened my eyes. "Mmm... are we there yet?" I asked groggily.

My mom opened the door and sighed deeply. "Yes honey, we're already here."

"Cool" I shortly replied.

Stepping outside the car, I stared at the house in front of me completely out of words. "Is this....?"

"Yup! It's our new home!!!" Exclaimed Claire jumping in excitement.

My father stood beside me and ruffled my hair. "Do you like it, son?"

"It's... bigger." I replied in awe.

This house is big! Four maybe five times bigger than our old house!

"Also, the neighborhood is good." My mom whispered to my ear like it was a huge secret.

"Yeah?" I replied with no interest.

My mom chuckled and hugged me tightly. "Oh Greg, cheer up! Tell you what, I'll go find you a hot guy and have a... a... what do you kids call it? Netflix and chill?"

My face light up so red you would think I'm a Christmas light ball.

"Oh my gosh, woman!" My father groaned shaking his head.

"What?" My mom replied innocently.

"Why do you have to say that!?"

My mom frowned. "What, are you ashamed of your son now?" My mom asked looking angry.

"No, it's not like that! You know I love him." My dad soothed. "It's just that I'm not yet ready to know my son letting someone's manhood sticking up his... his... Oh, you know where!" My dad finished uncomfortably.

My mom was suppressing her laughter, clearly amused by my father's uncomfortable situation.

I can't help but smile. She's so deceiving.

I just hope that living here will be as good as living back there... at home. My real home.

"Alright, Greg, pick up your things and go find a room you like before your sister gets the best one." My father encouraged me while walking towards the door.

"No fair! I'm picking the best one!" Claire shouted running towards the door.

I chuckled at her childishness.

I opened the door and stepped in rubbing my shoes on the rug. "Whoa." I muttered silently. I lifted my head and the first thing I saw was the huge stairs made out of wood that leads to the huge glass window.

I walked towards the living room admiring how everything looks so expensive and classy. This place looks straight out of a 1950's interior design magazine!

What exactly is my father's job again? I asked myself.

Meh, it doesn't matter.

I run up towards the second floor of the house to search for my own room.

Walking towards the first room on the left, I slowly opened it.

"Whoops! Sorry big brother. This room is occupied!" Claire stated smugly while lying on the bed like she owns the place.

"Whatever, this room sucks anyway." I stated dryly then slammed the door and started walking to the opposite side until I found a door not far away from the others. "Hmn." I hummed curiously.

It's Called Disaster (boyxboy) (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now