Jelly Beans

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So no votes or comments. Please vote and comment! Btw I have school so I might not be able to update as much.

Leo: Why is nobody commenting or even viewing this???? Why does nobody want to see me? Does everybody hate me now? Cause if they do, I'm gonna go to the corner over there and start crying. *Crawls to corner and cries*

Hazel: It's okay Leo, we don't hate you.

Leo: Yay!!! *Runs to Hazel and hugs her*

Frank: Get your grease stained hands off my girlfriend you little grease monkey!

Leo: Who you are you calling a monkey, monkey boy? You're the one who can turn into one!

Frank: Argghh!!! *Tackles Leo*

Jason and Percy: Fight, fight, fight!

Piper and Annabeth: *Sends a death glare*

Jason and Percy: *Cowers in corner*

Hazel: Frank, Leo, stop it! Be nice to each other for once!

Frank: *Gets off of Leo* I was done with him anyway.

Leo: I was too. Hmph.

Me: Cheer up guys, I've got some Jelly Beans!

Everyone: Yasss!!! *Runs towards me*

Me: *Hands over jar* There you go.

Annabeth: Okay, so let's count all the jelly beans and count it evenly so we all have the same amount so no one would argue. Right Percy? *Looks over at Percy*

Percy: *Responds with mouth full* What?

Annabeth: Did you eat all the blue jelly beans?

Percy: Nooooo......

Annabeth: *looks at Percy accusingly*

Percy: Okay fine. I'll just spit out then.

Everyone but Percy: Nooo!!!!

Percy: Fine, but it's your loss.

Annabeth: So thanks for reading and don't forget to ask us questions and vote!

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