Age and Birthday

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Hi guys, it's Adrien! I just want to tell you that some of these may be inaccurate, so please don't hate me if I get them wrong because it took me like an hour and a half to find this info! Please tell me if I'm wrong. Thanks, now let's get on with the story!

Me: Welcome back to Ask the Demigods and today's question is from TheHumanExperiment1! Also, thanks to them, you'll meet some old friends today!

The seven: Yassss!!!! @TheHumanExperiment1 Thanks so much!

Piper: Who are they though?

Me: Today's guests are.....(Drum Roll Please) your one and only Nico Di Angelo and Grover Underwood!

Hazel: Oh my gods, Nico's coming!

*Grover emerges out of nowhere with applause from fangirls and the Seven*

Grover: Gee, thanks guys for such a warm welcome.

Percy: *Pats Grover on the back* No problem, G-man, we missed you.

Annabeth: *Hugs Grover* I haven't seen you awhile Grover, how's it been?

Grover: Good, good.

Hazel: Where's Nico though?

Jason: *Drags Nico in by the hood of his jacket* Here he is!

Nico: Let me go!

Fangirls: Oh my gosh, Nico's here! I'm gonna faint of happiness!!!! *Faints*

Hazel: Nico! *Crushes Nico in a hug*

Nico: Help!

Frank: C'mon Hazel, give Nico some air. *Pries Hazel from Nico*

Nico: *Says in a croaky voice* Thanks Frank. Now bye bye! *Begins shadow traveling*

Piper: Oh no you don't! *Uses charm speak* Come back here Nico Di Angelo!

Nico: *Shadow travels back* Dang it Piper!

Piper: *Smirks*

Leo: *Walks in with a happy meal* Hey guys! *Spots Grover and Nico* What's Death Breath and Grover doing over here?

Me: Part of the question, duh, repair boy.

Leo: What's the question?

Me: How old are you? I also want you to tell the readers when your birthday is.

Leo: Uh, I have a problem with that question.

Me: What?

Leo: It asks how old I am, but I'm not even old, I'm young!

Me: *Rolls eyes* Fine, I'll change the question. How young are you Leo?

Leo: I'm 20 and I was born on May 20th, 1995. It is the best day in human history since I was born! Right fangirls?

Fangirls: Yassss!!!!!

Me: Okay, Nico now you answer the question.

Nico: Okay, but first let me Leo a question.

Leo: What?

Nico: Why do you have a Happy Meal?

Leo: Cause I can Death Breath, what's the problem.

Nico: The problem is that the Happy Meal, belongs to me! *Sings "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift to Happy Meal*

The Seven and Grover: *Stares at Nico shocked*

Leo: A-Alright you win. *Hands Nico Happy Meal*

Nico: *Snatches Happy Meal from Leo* Thank you!

Me: Now back to the question!

Nico: Fine. I'm 91 years old and I was born on January 28th, 1924.

Frank: Dude, your old. And I mean old.

Nico: *Glares at Frank* You got a problem with that Frank? Cause I can easily convince Dad to say no to you proposing to Hazel!

Frank: N-no thank you!

Nico: That's what I thought!

Percy: Well I'm 22 years old and all my fans should know this but, I was born on August 18th, 1993. My birthday's also special because it's the day Annabeth and I got together.

Annabeth: Aww, thanks Percy! *Kisses Percy*

Piper: Oh my gods!!!! Percabeth moment over here! Mom!!!!

Piper and Aphrodite: *Cries* Percabeth is life!!!

Annabeth: Gods, somebody really needs to help them!

Frank: Well, I'm 21 right now and I was born on June 5th, 1994.

Jason: You're older than me????!!!!!

Frank: Why? When's your birthday?

Jason: I'm 21 and I was born on July 1st!

Frank: I am older than you!!! *Shocked Expression*

Annabeth: I'm older than all of you except for Nico and Hazel cause I'm 22 and I was born on July 12, 1993!

Leo: Ha ha, you're old!

Annabeth: Shut it Valdez!

Leo: Yes, Lady Annabeth!

Piper: I was born on June 3rd, 1994 which makes me 21.

Grover: Sadly, I'm 39 because I was born on June 5th, 1976.

Frank: Cool, you're only 18 years older than me!

Percy: It's okay, G-man, you're still our friend.

Hazel: Aww, all your ages are all cute while Nico and I both are like near 100! I'm technically 87 because I was born on December 17th, 1928!

The Seven, Nico, and Grover: Well, now you know all of our ages! Thanks for reading!!! Bye!!!

Ask the Seven DemigodsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora