Leo's Skittles

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Me: Hey, what's up everybody and welcome back to another chapter of Ask The Seven Demigods and today we have one question from a Wattpad reader, oh, and by the way this chapter is dedicated to RawrImARaptor, thanks to his wonderful idea of asking Leo this question: What would Leo do if Zeus took away his skittles?

Leo: My, my skittles?! They're gone?! They're all gone?! *Sinks to the floor crying and hugging knees*

Hazel: Aw, Leo, you'll be fine, it's okay.

Jason: Yeah man, you're gonna be okay. We'll just get you some more skittles and then you can stuff yourself with as much skittles as you want. Just forget about Zeus and pretend this never happened.

Leo: *Looks up with bloodshot eyes* No. I must avenge the Skittles. We all have to! Aggh!!!

Frank: Oh no, here we go. Leo's about to go crazy.

Percy: But Leo's always crazy.

Frank: Yeah, you're right. I meant crazier.

*Leo runs around CHB gathering armor and swords. Hands them all to the Seven*

Leo: Now put these stuff on and we'll go avenge the skittles!

Annabeth: Leo, I am not going to war with the gods just for your stupid skittles Leo!

Leo: Must. Avenge. Skittles! Die if you don't agree!!! And die because you called my skittles stupid!*Hands are in Flames and throws flames at Annabeth*

Percy: No! *Pulls up a wall of water in front of Annabeth*

*Annabeth gets drenched*

Annabeth: Pfft! *Spits out water* Seaweed Brain!

Percy: Sorry Wise Girl! But right now I have to deal with this skittles crazy person who tried to hurt you.

Leo: I am not crazy! The Skittles just need avenging!

Jason: Yeah....you should really hear yourself right now Leo.

Leo: Shut up Jason!

Percy: *Pokes Leo in the chest with index finger* You, Valdez, if you ever try to hurt her, my Wise Girl, again, just know that you're doomed.

Leo: I don't care! At least my skittles won't be hurt!

Percy: Oh, and that includes your skittles.

Leo: Noooo!!!! Fine, fine be that way.

Piper: Leo Valdez, we are not going to fight for your skittles. You are not going to fight for your skittles.

Leo: *Glares at Piper*

Piper: Okay then, looks like charmspeak doesn't work too well when Leo's like this then. But I'll keep trying.

Hazel: Please do keep trying. I can't stand Leo being crazy!

Frank: So basically you can't stand Leo at all? Cause you know, he's crazy all the time?

Hazel: You know what I mean Frank, don't be stupid!

Leo: But Frank's always stupid.

Frank: Shut up Leo! And I am not stupid!

Percy: All I'm wondering right now is why Hazel was using the word 'stupid'.

Jason: Huh, you're right Percy.

*The Seven stare at Hazel*

Hazel: What? I'm not allowed to use the word 'stupid'.

Piper: What? Oh no Hazel! It's just we're not used to you using 'stupid'.

Annabeth: Yes, because you're usually the nicest one here!

Frank: With Leo being the least.

*Leo hits Frank's arm with a wrench from his tool belt*

Frank: Youch! See what I mean?!

Hazel: I just want this situation to end! This is so weird!

Percy: Yep, I agree. I've seen weirder. How do we get you to stop this nonsense Leo?

Leo: This isn't nonsense! And help me avenge the skittles!

Jason: *Rolls eyes* Alright everybody, get your armor!

*Everybody suits up*

Leo: Charge!!!!!

*All seven go to Mt. Olympus*

*Leo storms into throne room*

Leo: I command your attention!!!!

*The gods turn to him*

Leo: Give me back my skittles! Or else I will avenge them!!!

Zeus: Excuse me??!!!

Leo: You heard me! I demand the skittles!

Zeus: You command thy skittles back?!

Leo: Exactly mister! Give it! *Motions at hand*

Jason: Oh brother. *Face palms*

Percy: *Snorts in laughter* Oh this is gonna be good! You know, I've never been able to enjoy Zeus being mad at another demigod besides me, but I'm really enjoying it.

*Annabeth elbows Percy*

Annabeth: Be quiet Seaweed Brain, let me handle this.

*Annabeth steps forward*

Annabeth: Excuse me Lord Zeus?

Zeus: Yes Athena child?

Annabeth: Leo just wants his skittles back and I'm sure you have some nectar or ambrosia that tastes like skittles so if you please, please give back Leo's skittles.

Zues: What skittles? I don't have his skittles! I only have mine, which, is of course the godly kind.

Leo: But-but, Adrien told me.......Oh. She tricked me. She tricked us all!!!!


Me: *Laughs* Well, this was fun to watch, and hopefully you enjoyed it too! But I must go my friends before he(Leo) finds me!

*Leo storms in angrily*

Leo: You tricked me!!!

Me: No I didn't, I merely asked you what you would do if they were stolen.

Leo: *Glares at me* You evil mastermind!

Me: No, you're just sometimes an idiot!

Leo: Agghh! *Charges at me but is held back by Annabeth*

Piper: Well, see you guys next time on Ask the Seven Demigods and don't forget to vote and comment!

Okay, sorta sucky but I really wanted to update and thank you guys for all the wonderful support you've been giving this book by reading. Hopefully you guys like my new cover for the book, even if you can't see it all, but I'll put at the top of this chapter. Bye now! ~Adrien

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