MVD(Most Valuable Demigod)

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Dedicated to: RawrImARaptor

Leo: Sup ma homies, and welcome back to another chapter of Ask The Seven Demigods!

Me:*jabs Leo in the ribs* That was my line dufus!

Leo: Owww.... Sorry, Miss Hostess!

Me: You should be Valdez! Now, we got another question from our lovely viewers! This one is from RawrImARaptor! Thanks for sending us a question! RawrImARaptor asked, Who do you think is the most important in the seven? Before you answer it dear demigods, I would like to add to that question. Say who are the top 4 most important demigods.

Leo: Sure alright. Can you choose yourself?

Me: No!

Leo: Fine, we'll besides myself I would say Percy, Annabeth, Jason, and Piper. Percy and Annabeth since they went through Tartarus and closed the doors of death and Jason and Piper because they helped me defeat Gaea.

Piper: Thanks Leo. You were pretty great on the battlefield too. But who really is #1?

Leo: For me it was Jason since he kept Gaea off the ground long enough for me to defeat her.

Jason: Yes! *Does a happy dance*

Percy: Wow bro, what an accomplishment! Someone finally picked you over me!

Jason: Shut up!

Annabeth: I think that my top four demigods are Percy, Leo, Jason, and Piper. But my #1 is definitely Percy, I would've died immediately in Tartarus without him.

Percy: Awww, thanks baby, I would be dead without you too.

Piper: *squeals and faints*

Percy and Annabeth: *Stares weirdly at Piper*

Jason: In my opinion, the 4 most important demigods are Leo, Piper, Percy, and Frank.

Frank: Me? Why me?

Jason: Cause you helped us get through the skeleton in army in the House of Hades.

Frank: Oh.

Hazel: Yay for Frank!

Jason: But I think the most important one is Leo, since he gave his life to help defeat Gaea.

Leo: But look, I'm back!

Fangirls: Yasss!!!! *Standing Ovation*

Leo: *Bows* Thank you, thank you!

Me: How did they get in here?

The Seven: No idea.

Frank: I personally think that Piper, Annabeth, Percy, and as much as I hate him, Leo.

Leo: *Does the jig* It is official! Everybody in the seven likes me!

Frank: I said you were important in the quest, I didn't say I liked you.

Hazel: Frank, you be a good demigod and say you like Leo!

Leo: Yeah, Frank, listen to Hazel!

Frank: No! I don't like Leo!

Hazel: *Glares at Frank*

Percy: Oh my gods, she glared! She glared!

The Seven except Hazel: Oh my gods! Somebody help us!!!!

Hazel: Geez, calm down! It's just that some people need to be taught a lesson about friendship.

Me: Guys, hellooo? We're getting off track.

Annabeth: Adrien's right, Percy, answer the question.

Percy: Alright, I think that Leo, Jason, Piper, and Annabeth are the most important in the quest. But it's no doubt that Wise girl was the most important in the quest for me.

Annabeth: Thanks Seaweed Brain, you're my knight in shining armor. *Kisses Percy*

Piper: Percabeth!!! *faints*

Annabeth: Somebody really needs to help her....

Hazel: I'll do it! C'mon Piper wake up!

Piper: What? Is there more Percabeth?

Me: No, it's your turn to answer the question Piper.

Piper: Oh, well I think Percy, Leo, Jason, and Hazel. But the most important is Percy since he closed the doors of death.

Hazel: *Hugs Piper* Thanks.

Piper: No problem.

Hazel: I think that Percy, Annabeth, Piper, and Leo. But I think the most important one is Percy.

Percy: That's all folks, and see you next time on Ask the Seven Demigods!

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