Part 19

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Hey I'm Devon! I'm gonna be helping Taylor out when she needs it so here is my imagine! Hope you like it!

Jordan Sweeto Imagine


"Hey _____", Jordan sweet voice came up from behind you.

"Hey baby", you reply as he grabs your cheeks and leans in for a very passionate kiss.

You break away, staying inches away from his face feeling his hot breath against your cold nose.

"We need to talk", you whisper, because if you speak any louder, you might cry.

"What is wrong sweetie", Jordan says as he notices the tears welling up in the corner of your blue eyes. He hugs you as he waits for you to spill out what you have been holding back.

"Well I got an anonymous email yesterday", a tear falls and jordan wipes it away as you continue.

"It said....... it said you were with another girl friday when you told me you were working. It even had a few pictures of you guys sitting together and kissing", at this point you are sobbing not even knowing if he can understand you.

He pulls your hair back and brushes your face with his sleeve every time a new tear falls. He kisses you on the cheek a few times before saying "I am sorry".

You start to walk away because it's one thing to see those pictures, but it's another for him to admit it. You get in your car and start to drive. You drive for a long time, ignoring Jordan's calls every few minuets. You pull over to the side of road to make a call to the one person you can count on 100% of the time.

"Mom", you say as soon as she picks up.

Her voice, sweet like honey, replies "Jordan called me and told me what happened. Are you okay??? Where are you???"

You sob loudly into the phone than compose yourself to say, "New York where I am starting over. I got to go and find somewhere to sleep tonight. In the morning i'm off apartment and job hunting. Love you, bye"

"Honey come home---", says your mom protesting, but you just hang up because your not interested in what she has to say about your idea.

"Well, time to get a hotel" 



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