Part Three

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Erin's POV

I walked to the Mystery Shack this morning with my mom and was nearly hit by a firecracker. "What's going on???!!!! I leave for the night, and I come back to find you shooting illegal fireworks off the roof with children!?!??!?!?!?" My mom was really, really, mad. When she finished ranting, the twins suggested that they clean up the mess with water balloons. Of course, Stan agreed, and the twins were soon sending water balloons flying everywhere.

One almost hit Stan, and then he said he needed to tell Dipper and Mabel something. I didn't know exactly what he was going to say, but I'm pretty sure I knew what he might have been planning on saying. Right when I thought he would tell them, he chickened out and said he needed to 'refresh his soda'. Before I knew it, we were surrounded.

Lucy's POV

Stan walked off after chickening out on sharing some extremely important information with the twins. Within seconds, we were surrounded by agents. I saw them bring Stan to one of the cars as two more took hold of me. "What's going on that warrants this much arresting?" He asked as they shoved him in a car. They shoved me in as well and I yelled, "Erin, it'll be okay! Just remember your family!" Before they closed the car door. Now all I can do is hope that Erin understands what I mean.

-----(I'm not even saying anything fancy anymore)-----

Erin's POV

Well, I'm running through the woods to the shack right now. After I was taken by agents along with my brothers and the twins, we escaped, and I unleashed my true form. You see, I'm a rare hybrid, an angel wolf. When my mother was born, her mom had died in labor. She would have died as well, but the angels looked down and saved her by turning her three quarters angel. My dad, who died in a car crash four months before I was born, was a werewolf of sorts. So in my true form, I look like a large, really fluffy brown wolf with wings. My paws, tail, and a patch over my right eye are pure white. In order to go faster, I hid my wings like usual, and the boys rode on my back.

When we got to the shack, we saw the twins fighting Soos to get to the vending machine.  I slipped past easily and got the secret door open. We all walked through and went to the portal. I tried to keep Soos, Mabel, and Dipper from shutting the portal down, but Soos was stronger than I thought and they quickly revealed the switch to turn the portal off. I was trying to tell them that the portal can't be shut down, but they wouldn't listen.

Finally, as they were about to shut it all down, Stan and my mom ran in, yelling for them not to press the button. Gravity then reversed, and we all floated into the air. Mabel gripped a wire near the off switch, Soos and Dipper tackled Stan, my mom hugged a pipe, Emerald held onto Sapphire, Sapphire held onto me, and I held onto the leg of a table that was bolted to the ground. I shut my eyes, not wanting to see a family fall apart. I heard Stan and Dipper yelling about which one of them Mabel needs to trust.

Then, I heard Mabel talk. "Gruntled Stan, I trust you." Then dipper yelled, "Mabel we're all gonna-" the he was cut off by a huge flash of light. When the light disappeared, I opened my eyes to see the portal glowing blue. As the smoke cleared, a figure walked through and picked up a journal off the floor. "Who is that?" One the others asked. "The author of the journals." Stan answered. "My brother."

You would think after being separated for thirty years, they would be happy to see each other. Boy, was I wrong! They started fighting, and it took my mom several minutes to break them apart. "That was an incredibly risky move Stanley! Does anyone else know about this?" "No, it's just us. And maybe the entire U.S. government." The author sighed, and, at Mabel's request, explained his and his brothers past.

------(le time skip because I don't remember their past very well)------

"Okay, so that explains everything Stan had been doing, but how do Lucy and Erin fit in?" Dipper asked. "Should I tell them, or do you want to?" My mom asked. "You should." I said. "We know about all of this," she said, "because the author, is my dad."

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