Chapter 1

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A/N: Me is Rose. They're using iMessages/Messages for Apple products.

You added Lissa.
You added Dimitri.
You added Christian.
You added Mia.
You added Sydney.
You added Eddie.

Me: Hey Guys!!
Lissa: Who's 13824738394?
Me: Ummmmm... It's Dimitri...
Lissa: How do u have Guardian Belikov's number
Me: ...
Christian: Oh yay! A group chat! Now I can be spammed by you girls!
Me: We wouldn't do that... *cough cough*
Mia: Wow, how do you have Guardian Belikov's number??
Christian: Wait! Belikov's on this chat!?!
Lissa: Do you not read messages that you missed Christian? -.-
Christian: No...
Sydney: Why am I added?
Me: Cos u r Sydney
Dimitri: Why am I added to your chat?
Me: Same reason as Sydney. Cos u r
Dimitri: ...
Dimitri left the conversation.
You added Dimitri.
Me: Ur not leavin
Lissa: Rose, how do u hav Guardian Belikov's number?
Me: ...umm... in case i needed to contact him if u were in trouble?
Lissa: Why did u put a question mark at the end?
Me: I did? Oops...
Lissa: Whatever. I'm going to bed. No more texting or ur all dead in the morning.

A/N: I hope you liked it!! Please vote and comment!

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