Chapter 49

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A/N: Warning! There are spoilers from SW Episode VII: TFA!

Me: omg! TFA was soooo goooddddd
Crazy: tru dat!
Me: I can't believe Kylo did that tho!
Crazy: poor Han!
Me: And Luke was only at the end for like 5 mins!
Crazy: And who is Rey's father?
Drunky: no no no no no shut up! I haven't seen it yet!
Bae: Neither have I
Me: losers
Crazy: how have u guys not seen it yet?!
Drunky: maybe cos it's hard to get tickets?
Me: that's tru...
Crazy: ummm... Let's just go play with our new BB-8 droid, Rose
Me: yes!
Drunky: BB-8 droid?! Those things are expensive!
Drunky: hello?
Drunky: any1 on?
Drunky: I'm all alone...
Drunky: Mia!
Drunky: did she leave 2?
Drunky: y evry1 leave me? :(
Psycho: I kno how u feel
Drunky: Christian!
Psycho: gtg evry1 except u, lissa n rose r goin 2 TFA
Drunky: even Belikov?
Psycho: yup bi
Drunky: y am I all alone?!

A/N: I know... It's realllyyy short but... Everyone left Adrian behind. Also, who here like Star Wars? Why am I asking this? Because I made a SW X VA fanfic. So, if you like Star Wars, please check it out.


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