Chapter 19

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A/N: Ok we all know these guys are ridiculous and so this chapter is going to be a bunch of random stuff. Just though I'd warn you all.
Me: Desmond the moon bear
Brother: XD I liek trainz
ABB: What?
Me: ok so I was watching music vids on yt n can we do the thing they did in Did it again/Lo hecho está hecho by Shakira? Plsss?
ABB: lemme look at it
Half-Sister (A/N: Jill): *hits Eddie with train* do u still liek trainz
Brother: yes :P more than I liek u
Sister: *snickers*
Me: *cough*
ABB: What they're doing in that video is weird, Roza.
Me: can we though, it wud make training a whole lot more fun (A/N: I recommend you watch Did it again by Shakira so you know what I/She means)
ABB: Fine
Me: don't forget to wear what the guy is wearing
Me: aka no shirt
ABB: Whatever.
Sister: I'm so confused
Brother: same. Belikov u wanna enlighten us as to wut our sister means?
Me: no, he doesn't n u don't need to know or want to know
Sister: can u just tell us wut vid u mean then?
Me: karate kid
Sister: I can c ur aura don't lie 2 me
Sparky: ooo drama this wud make an excellent tv show *eats popcorn*
Me: rlly Sparky?
Sparky: wutever rosie I'm out peace
Sister: same
Half-Sister: wut u think they're actually doin
Me: eew do not need that visual
Plant: same ew
Drunky: probs wut me and "Plant" r doin
Me: ew
Brother: *washes eyes*
Gap Kids: so either makin out or sm3x
Me: ew ew ew ew ew
Gap Kids: yea I'm leavin too bii
Me: cya Mia
Half-Sister: eugh I'm gonna go do something else too, wanna come over Eddie?
Brother: k
Me: ew ew ew ew ew
ABB: training?
Me: k

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