Chapter 37

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Me: gm ppl
ABB: Roza, you shouldn't have asked Vasilisa to compel me.
ABB: You know how wrong it is.
Me: ...
You removed ABB from the conversation.
Me: omg
Me: srsly
Me: its been like 2 days
Me: is any1 on?
Me: :(
Me: :(
Me: im gonna change all ur contact names >:3
Sister: nnooooo
Brother: noooooo
Sparky: noooooo
Drunky: FINALLY!
Half-Sister: noooo
Plant: i agree with adrian
Me: brb
[After changing le contact names >:3]
Me: ok
Me: Liss, ur Crazy. Adrian, ur still Drunky >:3. Christian, ur Psycho. Jill, ur Showgirl. Eddie, ur Dude.
Me: Sydney, ur Human. Mase, ur Ginger. Mia, ur M.I.A. Jace, ur Weirdo. Clary, ur Artist. Izzy, ur still Silver Whip.
Me: Alec, ur Buzzkill. Magnus, ur Demon.
Me: :) yay new contact names :)
Buzzkill: y am i buzzkill?
Me: jace said ur rlly borin n ur always so responsible (aka borin)
Buzzkill: wait... somethin doesn't seem right...
Psycho: o gee thx rosie
Psycho: >:3 i know wuts not right
Psycho added Bae (A/N: Dimitri) to the conversation.
Bae: Really, Roza?
Me: well u were bein a buzzkill 2
Bae: What?
Psycho: rosie changed evry1's contact names
Bae: What's mine?
Psycho: idk no 1 does
Psycho: except 4 her
Me: am i not here?
Psycho: life wud b gr8 if u werent
Me: i am wut makes life gr8 so shut ur pie hole
Bae: Love the name
Me: :P
Me: lock the door
Bae: Already done.
Psycho: eeeew
Crazy: i still cant believe she called me crazy :'(
Psycho: if its not already obvious, shes referrin 2 the darkness
Crazy: i knew that...

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