Chapter 52

913 52 25

Simon: I am sick of being saved by Captain America over there *points to Jace* (A/N: What up Shadowhunters episode 4 reference?)

Jace: it's not my fault ur a danger magnet...

Jace: I guess ur just born like that, just like I was born scorching hot

Simon: -.-'

Clary: *pours ice bucket over Jace* not so hot now, r ya?

Jace: -____-

Rose: y the long face, horsey?

Jace: I'm not a horse!

Rose: well, u have a long face n so do horses

Jace: ... Don't u have a wedding to plan?

Rose: oh yeah!

Rose: see ya!

Jace:  Thank the Angel she's gone

Clary: that's not nice, Jace

Jace: neither is the fact that im always having to save the mundie's butt

Simon: ... I'm not a mundie! I'm a Shadowhunter now!

Jace: ur always gonna be the mundie

Simon: I give up

Clary: good choice

Isabelle: Simon!

Isabelle: I need help choosing a dress for the party tonight!

Simon: ask Clary! I have no experience with this sort of thing!

Isabelle: Clary! I need help!

Clary: -.-' coming Izzy!

Lissa: any1 from st vlad's on?

Mia: yea, why?

Lissa: I need to know where Rose is

Mia: I haven't seen her... Sorry

Lissa: it's okay, I'll just look for her

Mia: k


Mia: ...

Jace: tf?

Isabelle: ...

Lissa: ?????

Simon: what's wrong with him?

Clary: ...

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