Chapter 30

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171739292035 joined the conversation.
17173042920 joined the conversation.
17173024982 joined the conversation.
1717302384 joined the conversation.
1717294348 joined the conversation.
1717392048 joined the conversation.
171739292035: sup losers! hottest man in the universe is here!
Me: who r u n i beg to differ
Drunky: yea! im the hottest man in the universe
Me: once again, i beg to differ
Drunky: shut up. ur biased.
Me: biased but correct
Sparky: im flattered rosie
Me: 1. dont call me rosie. 2. not u sparky
ABB: Flattered.
Me: hey dimitri
ABB: Hey Milaya.
17173024982: i agree with jace
Me: whos jace?
171739292035: me. the hottest man in the universe. pleasure to meet u.
Me: *cough cough* the hottest man in the universe is in my room, ur not.
Drunky: eew little dhampir
Sparky: eeeeew
Me: shut up. hes helping me with hw.
Drunky: hw 4 wut ;)
Me: just no
ABB: Shut up, Ivashkov.
Drunky: :(
Big Ego (A/N: Jace): ... am i missing something? I DO NOT LIKE MISSING OUT ON THINGS
17173024982: sorry. my bf is a little cuckoo. im clary, his gf.
Me: k. nice to meet u, im rose. battle goddess. trained by the battle god/hottest man in the universe/my bf
Drunky: /ur mentor
Me: wutever drunky
Big Ego: im not ur bf n ive never met u in my life rose
Me: thats cos i was trained by the hottest man in the universe, NOT the "man" with the biggest ego in the universe.
Clarity (A/N: Clary): just ignore him
1717294348: omg! i wish i thought of that!
Me: who r u?
1717294348: Izzy. Girl with the silver whip. Demon hunter extraordinaire.
Me: lol demons dont exist
Silver Whip (A/N: Izzy): yea they do
Silver Whip: as do vamps, werewolves, warlocks, faeries n angels
Me: lol yea vamps exist
Me: im a dhampir, half moroi half human
Big Ego: wuts a dhampir n moroi. n its not human, its mundane.
Me: i just said wut a dhampir was. a moroi is a good vamp. they can go out in the sun, use elemental magic, drink blood, dont have red eyes.
Me: n then, the other vamps. the strigoi. evil bloodsuckers that only come out at night. they cant come out in the sun, cant use magic, drink blood n have red eyes.
Big Ego: hey simon
1717392048: wut?
Big Ego: sup strigoi
1717392048: shut up jace. im not a vamp anymore.
Me: o.o hav u guys ever met a spirit using moroi b4?
Big Ego: no
Me: then how was this simon dude transformed back?
Big Ego: greater demon dude called asmodeus
6669996669 joined the conversation.
6669996669: Did someone call the great Asmodeus?
Big Ego: lol no
17173042920: omg who called my father?
Big Ego: no one
Me: who r u 17173042920?
17173042920: im the high warlock of brooklyn. magnus. By the way, can u get me some glitter. i <3 glitter
Glitter (A/N: Magnus): pleeease
Me: no
69 (A/N: Asmodeus): ... I'm going to leave.
69 left the conversation.
Drunky: wow... did little dhampir just let that guy leave?
Me: yup
Drunky: o.o
Drunky: imma leave
Drunky left the conversation.
Me: omg yes
Ex-Strigoi (A/N: Simon): ...
1717302384: ikr simon
Me: who r u?
1717302384: im alec. magnus' bf
Me: ok
ABB: I thought you needed help with your homework, milaya?
Me: cant u do it?
Rainbows (A/N: Alec): ... ur tryin to get some1 to do ur hw?
Me: correction - im tryin to get my bf/the hottest guy in the universe/the battle god to do my hw
Rainbows: ...

A/N: Ok. I know that was kinda random. But... OMG! Jace, Drunky, Sparky and Dimitri at the start. Hope you guys enjoyed it! Please vote, comment and share. Especially comment. I love reading your comments.

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