Chapter 2

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*****Dan's POV*****

I stare out past the field to the body in the edge of the woods. I knew it. I goddamn knew it.

It had been too good to be true. I hadn't had a stupid banshee moment in weeks. I hadn't screamed, hadn't happened upon any dead bodies and I sure as hell hadn't gotten any deathly feelings. But there a body was.

I'd screamed last night. I knew I had. But the scream had woken me up so I had prayed that it was just some nightmare that I had forgotten. It wasn't.

Mr. H is trying to get everyone back to their seats to no avail. Everyone is muttering about who the body could be, how could they have died, could it have been another 'animal attack'?

I wish I could believe it was just an animal attack but I know better. As they say 'Ignorance is bliss'.

I sigh and look at Ben behind me.

'Who do you think it was?' I try to ask with my eyes.

He obviously understands because he responds back with his eyes 'I don't know.'


'Maybe, won't know till we get a better look.'

I sigh again and look back to the body. I then notice Wayne beside me. Well, this is a horrible first day for him.

I'm getting a strange sense off Wayne. I glance at Ben again and he is also looking at Wayne strangely.

"The police are here," I hear someone say. Looking back outside I see they are right. The police are here, meaning Platz's dad is here too. Wherever there is murder the sheriff is nearby.

I look closely trying to see if there is any evidence of supernatural. There almost definitely will be. I don't banshee scream unless the supernatural are involved somehow.

Dread fills my stomach as I realise; I screamed twice last night.

***Next class***

Wayne had to get up and introduce himself again, I kept a spot next to me free though so he could sit down straight away.

He sits down next to me and I try to inconspicuously get a feel for what he is. He is definitely supernatural. As Ben would say 'my banshee senses are tingling'.

I can see Platz trying to tell as well. He's sitting behind me and doing a crap job of being casual about it. He is leaning forward so much he actually fell out of his chair. He sheepishly get back in the seat and the teacher resumes the lesson. When the teacher isn't looking I turn around and throw Platz a 'real smooth' look.

I keep looking at Wayne out of the corner of my eye. Vampire? No, he isn't nearly pale enough. Banshee? Unlikely, I'm the first male banshee in over 300 years. Hunter? No, he's definitely supernatural not just surrounded by it. Werewolf? Possibly, but if so he must be a relatively new one.

I keep trying to guess what he could be, when the bell rings. He just flinched!

So sensitive to noise, almost definitely werewolf.

We can work with that.

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