Chapter 4

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*****Wayne's POV*****

I stare down confused at Ben and a passed out Dan. I feel incredibly awkward to be watching something that seems so emotional. Yet at the same time I feel like grabbing the unconscious boy in my arms and keeping all evil away from me.

It's not a crush, I may be bisexual but I know when I like someone like that. I don't with Dan although I do feel overprotective of him.

I sigh and look at the paper he had thrown away from him.

Scrawled in messy writing are the words 'Old Oak' over and over again. I had seen Dan's handwriting earlier today and this did not look like it at all.

I drop the paper when I hear a groan come from Dan. His eyelids flutter and it looks like he is waking up. Daniel, or 'Platz' as he says to call him, drops to his knees in front of a disoriented Dan. I see Dan's lips move but can't hear him from where I am standing.

After he finishes him, Platz and Ben all look over at me. I suddenly feel incredibly nervous.

"So, Wayne, what are you?" Ben asks cautiously.

I blink at him confused and Dan whacks Ben's arm.

"Sorry, sorry, we know you are something so just tell us what." Ben continues.

Dan groans and Platz facepalms.

"I-I don't know what you are talking about." I stutter.

"He isn't lying." Platz says to Dan who had looked up at him for confirmation.

"Should we explain?" Dan asks.

"Yes, yes you should." I say slightly angrily.

"So you just moved here right?" Dan asks.


"Well believe it or not this town has a large supernatural community. I know it sounds crazy but trust me, we aren't lying." Dan tells me.

"Why would I believe you?" I ask.

"Listen carefully. Hear that thumping?" I nod, Dan continues. "That's my heartbeat. It's steady. I'm not lying."

"Wait how can I hear your heartbeat?" I ask confused.

"We believe that you were bitten by a werewolf, did anything weird happen to you since you got here?"

I nod, and sit down on the ground, feeling faint.

"So what, you going to kill me with a silver bullet or something?" I ask sadly.

"That would be awfully hypocritical of us." Ben says.

I look at him and ask "What?" Instead of saying anything he morphs his face. He has fangs and his eyes are a brilliant gold, and he grew sideburns. Platz did the same thing although his eyes are red. After a few seconds they turn back to normal.

"We're werewolves too." Ben explains.

"What about you?" I ask Dan when he doesn't morph his face.

"I'm a banshee, and yes male banshees are possible just really rare." He explains quickly.

I nod mutely, reeling from all this new information. After a few seconds Dan clears his throat loudly. "I'm sorry we can't give you more time, but we need to stop a death."

"What?" I ask incredulously.

"Yes, I um get these feelings when someone is about to die. I've already screamed once meaning someone is dead, but I'm getting another feeling. We need to stop it. But where could they be?"

"The sheets of paper you wrote on all said 'Old Oak', could that mean something?"

"That was an old druid site in the woods." Platz says.

I'm not proud of this next bit but we run out of the school. I can't believe I'm skipping school on the first day but here I am. According to Platz his dad can just tell the school he was interviewing me as a witness of the body. That makes me feel a little better.

According to Ben we are half way there when I see Dan beside me pale and let out an unearthly scream.

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