Chapter 8- A White Cloak To Match

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 Hello READERS this is NOT edited. please excuse the spelling/grammer mistakes. i know it has been awhile since i have updated but i have been very busy with my room and my house. i also realise that i have droped from thriller #59 to thriller #160ish, so PLEASE recomend this book to others or at least add it to your library. 

read, enjoy, comment, vote and FAN!!!



The red perfume bottle smell was stalking me... hmmm yummy but weird! I snap out of my thoughts and take another step forward.

 "Is the coast clear?" says a whisper in my ear.

 I jump out of my skin and take a 180 degree turn. I smack into a warn rock hard body or shall i say chest. The very chest that the mysterious but delicious smell seems to radiate off of.

 Guess who was standing in front of me in all their pride and glory?

Chapter 8- A White Cloak To Match

I breathe in a lung full of air so I can let out a blood curdling scream at the sight before me.

Well what is before me you ask?

Before me, stood a man in a beautiful white cloak.

Why is this man so special you ask?

well this man looked a lot like me and what I mean by that is he looks very human-y. He was tall with broad shoulders, quite muscular but just enough so it doesn't look gross and scary, pitch black hair and skin the color of Taylor Lautner's tan skin. To say he was the most handsome man I have ever seen would still be an understatement. He was far beyond handsome; he was far more perfect than ken (Barbie’s boyfriend) would EVER be a body that can’t even be compared to a swim suit man-model because he would obviously win.

He really was the perfect man... well sort of... except the pointy ears, the red eyes and the small pointed fangs that sort of stuck out of his oh-so-perfect-mouth. BUT if you ignore that he is perfect. I think I may be drooling...

"See something you like?" he says in a deep angelic voice that seems to be mocking me.

"Umm..." i stared wide eyed. He must find my answer amusing for he chuckled.

"I believe it is time to feast upon our breakfast. I will lead you there since you look quite lost." and with that he took my hand sending a million sparks through my body. I look at him to see if he noticed the weird sparks. I mean i have NEVER felt this before. I look at him and he didn't seem to feel what i was and was simply leading me away to breakfast.

He leads me through a labyrinth of stunning hallways. Every hallway looked like the last. They had fluffy crimson red carpet, black walls, black furniture and the same red as the carpet decorations, such as pictures and flowers. The halls had a spooky ancient gothic look to it, the exact look I was in love with. It adds mystery and danger to any surrounding.

After what seemed like hours of walking hand in hand with the stranger we stop in front of ENORMOUS gothic wooden doors.

Have you noticed that no one in this place bothers to tell me their names? I think it is about time I change that.

Just as he reached for the giant handle to the door. I tugged at his other hand that I am currently still holding. He pauses to look at me.

I blush at his attention.

“Hey… um you never told me you name..." I mumble suddenly feeling shy.

"Ahh that... that my love is for me to know and you to find out" he says in a tone and voice i have heard before... but where? 

With that he grips my hand a little tighter and swings open the large doors.


 sorry that this is a short chapter i promise the next will be longer. by the way the cloak pic looks way better on him

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