Chapter 5 | Sleepover

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Your P.O.V

"I'm back!" Mabel practically sang as she skipped through the door. "Did you miss me b-" She looked from me to Dipper and then back to me. "Brobro what did you do?!?"

Before Dipper could say anything, in one quick breath I said, "Itwasanaccident."

I couldn't see Dipper but I could feel that he was relieved.

"Dipper you really gotta stop chewing on those pens," Mabel smiled.

"Haha, yeah I'll think about it while chewing this other one," He grabbed a pen from one of his vest pockets and held it up. We all laughed till our stomachs hurt.

"Well Brobro, you better go, no boys allowed during... OUR SLEEPOVER!" As if on cue, a small asian girl and a big girl burst through the door, sleeping bags in hand. They screeched and rushed over to Mabel.

"SLEEPOVER?!?" Both Dipper and I screamed, only I was excited and Dipper was totally not.

"KIDS, SHUT YOUR YAPS!" Stan bellowed from another room. I laughed.

"Lemme just call my aunt. I can't wear these ink stained clothes," I beamed.

"Don't worry we stopped by at your house, you weren't there so I asked. She got your stuff ready and BAM!"

I was so happy, I didn't even realize Dipper had left, which I guess was a good thing since we weren't on good terms.

"Mabel, introduce us!" The big girl hollered. Her voice was very boyish and low, it kinda startled me at first. She wore a pink tee and had her hair up in a pony tail.

"Oh, of course! This dazzling girl right here," Mabel pointed to the girl with the boyish voice, "is Grenda and this is Candy," she said pointing to the asian girl. She was small and pale. Round glasses sat on her face.

"Hi, I'm Y/N. I just got here yesterday!"

"We are all going to be best friends!" Mabel proclaimed.

Grenda and Candy grabbed there stuff and lugged it up the stairs. Mabel raced after them "Come on, Y/N!"

Excitedly, I grabbed the small duffle bag my aunt had packed for me and headed up the stairs. Dipper was coming down and right as I passed, his hand locked around my arm. "Um thanks, Y/N. You could've told Mabel this lie about the whole ink thing just to get me in trouble with her and you didn't." I saw his eyes soften, and knew it was genuine. I gave him a small nod and a small and kept going up the stairs.

I may or may not have looked back and saw him looking back at me. My cheeks felt warm as I closed the door to Mabel's room.

Dippers P.O.V

Because of their sleepover, I slept in Soos's break room. They were pretty noisy, but that wasn't what was keeping me up. It was Y/N.

After everything that's happened: Gideon, Bill, Great Uncle Ford, and the rift, I've learned you can't trust anyone. Mabel is too trustworthy, and one day she's going to accidentally let in someone who could be Bill's puppet. Y/N seems nice and is pretty, but I won't let that distract me from what I saw her doing. Why else would she be looking through my book? On Bill's page?

But I don't know how someone so kind could be possibly possessed by Bill. Plus she did seem to forgive me after all those mean things I said to her. No. No more.

I hate thinking about girls at night, because it means one thing-

"Uh oh," I uttered.

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