Chapter 6 | Soos's Break Room

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A/N: First, I'd like to apologize for my lack of updating. Second, YAY I'M ACTUALLY UPDATING!!

Your P.O.V

Mabel, Candy, and Grenda were wild. I was clueless to how they were able to keep it up for so long. It was probably until around 1 a.m. that I started to become worn out by there liveliness. "Calling All Boys: Preteen Edition" just wasn't my thing.

I looked over from Mabel's bed to the center of the room where Grenda was calling "Kevin" through the little plastic telephone. Candy was telling Grenda to get over him.

"Hey Y/N you okay?" Mabel looked at me with concern. I probably looked very tired and bored (which I was trying my best not to).

"Yeah, totally. Just a sleepover after a long day gets to me, you know," I gave her an apologetic smile, "Any chance there is some place quiet for me to doze off?"

"Well there's downstairs in the living room, but I recommend the Soos's break room," she said.

I nodded, "Okay thanks."

Hastily, I opened my duffle bag to look for any signs of a blanket or sleeping bag. "Here we go," I mumbled to myself.

"Huh?" Mabel said.

"Oh just found a blanket," I announced while holding up the blanket.

"Well, the break room is downstairs, go straight 'til you reach a hallway. Then turn left, then a right... wait! No, I think it's actually a left," She gave me a bright smile.

"Haha well I'm sure I can find it," I assured her.

The door of her bedroom creaked as I opened it. So did the stairs as I made my way down them. "Straight. Left. Left," was a small mantra I chanted in my head.

Finally, I reached a door. A small sign hung from the knob saying in sloppy writing "Soos's Break Room". The doorknob was cold as I twisted it.

It was pretty dark but I could see the basic outline of a majority of the items in the room. The couch was pushed up against the wall under a window that had a nice stain glass pattern. Some blankets were piled on one side. A plain rug was centered in the middle. Lights that were hung above me emitted a small glow. A desk was to my right with a bunch of random objects on it.

Quietly, I walked to the opposite side of the room to plug my phone into the wall (BECAUSE PRIORITIES). My phone buzzed as I set it on vibrate and set it down on the ground.

Barely a second after putting my phone down I heard shuffling coming from the couch area. My heart jumped up to my throat. I was pretty sure I was alone.

This time I heard I small groan coming from the pile of blankets. The blankets shifted back and forth for a while. Some slid down to the floor, revealing a person. The first thing I saw was the pine tree hat.

"Shit, it's Dipshit!" my mind screamed.

I tried my hardest to silently yank my charger out of the wall. It wasn't as quiet as I hoped but Dipshit didn't seem to hear it. Like a spider I skittered towards my blanket to pick it up. I took a couple seconds to wrap myself in it because it was actually very cold.

Inches, I was literally inches from the door, when I heard someone gasp and the clicking sound—like a gun reloading. My head swiveled backwards to see Dipshit holding a gun looking thingy. He looked bewildered, gun in hand, book clutched to his chest. It was hard to tell in the dim light but, I was sure it was gold with a weird bulb like tip.

"What," his voice cracked and I couldn't help but smile. He cleared his throat, "What are you doing here?"

My mouth went slack. The hell was he doing with a gun? "Um... I... Sorry?"

"What are you doing here?" Dipper repeated.

"Have you ever been to one of their sleepovers? They're wild," I forced a tiny laugh.

"And?" He looked at me suspiciously.

"No need for the third degree, just wanted somewhere quiet to sleep," I sighed, "Now can you put that thing down please?"

"Sorry," he apologized. I didn't know if it was genuine but I nodded as if to say I accepted the gesture.

"I'll just sleep in the living room," I concluded.

"Well, I can... um, scoot over or something."

Boys. One minute they are Dipshits, the next they're awkward and kind of nice. I will never understand.

He moved his pile of blankets farther to the opposite side of the couch. I threw my blanket-wrapped body onto the couch, making us both bounce up. Dipper gave me an annoyed look, but I just smiled to myself. I was ready for sleep.

Dipper's P.O.V

Idiot. Dumbo. Dipshit. I don't even know why I pointed the mind erasing gun at her. She looked so frightened for a couple seconds. My chest tightened at the thought of it.

Maybe I was paranoid. Maybe she was Bill's minion? She came right around the time he would have been planning anything big.

Yes, I was paranoid. I sighed.

Over my knees, she laid on the other side of the couch, staring up at the stars. I sighed again.

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