Chapter 9 | The Creek

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Your P.O.V

"I really don't think I can pee with my legs and hands tied," I said annoyed.

"No girl, I ain't that dumb," Deep Chris stated.

"Can't you just untie the bond on my legs? Imagine me, happily peeing with my legs tied. I'd get piss all over myself. Then I'll smell bad, and you'll have to watch a smelly girl," I fake pouted.

With a heavy sigh, Deep Chris bent over and undid the bonds. His hand went to the small of my back as he led me the rest of the way to the bushes. I tried to focus on the way our feet pounded on the ground, crunching leaves or tiny twigs, to distract myself from the loud pounding that my heart was feverishly producing.

At the edge of the bush Deep Chris removed his hand from my back to point to the designated peeing bush. I awkwardly waddled over behind the bush. Before I squatted to give myself the illusion of privacy, I looked around for anything sharp. The best thing I could find was a rock. I tried my hardest to make small movements to move the rock closer to me.

As casually as possible, I tried to do my business. Of course I didn't really need to go. I was just taking a waz so I could cover up the sound of cloth rubbing against rock.

Though, in the process of trying to cut through my bind, I cut myself. I winced slightly and Deep Chris looked at my suspiciously. Thankfully, right as I was done doing my business the bind cut through. My heart was beating twice the speed as it was earlier. I took deep breaths in attempt to calm myself but it wasn't working.

After slipping my pants back on, I picked up the rock and threw it towards Deep Chris's leg. I almost laughed out of happiness when I actually hit my target. Without any hesitation I ran. Surprisingly, it wasn't that hard to run with just one shoe.

I could hear the loud bellows of frustration from behind me, as I sprinted. I made zig-zags and random turns. Constantly, I was looking up at the trees, trying to examine each one as best I could.

It was a split-second decision to jump up into a tree, and start to climb. As, I pulled myself higher, branch to branch, I thought about what adrenaline can do to you. When I felt safe enough in the security of the trees I crouched and took shallow breaths. 

The thunder of pounding feet in the distance came closer and closer. As it did, I started to hear the audible voices of the five men too. It wasn't too long till I could observe them from. They acted like dogs. Sniffing at the ground, slobbering, and barking at each other like it was normal. I tried hard to hold my breath.

Slowly, they continued their hunt. When I couldn't hear them any longer I was gasping for air. As I waited for a while longer I examined my small cut that I had gotten from the rock. It wasn't bad but who knows what was on the rock. I was at risk of a small infection but it wasn't my main priority.

For a while I looked at the stars, trying to find some solace in them. As I studied them, recalling the events before my kidnapping, I heard the distant sound of running water.

"Maybe if I find the running water I could follow it downstream to Lake Gravity Falls and get help from there!" I smiled to myself.

Instead of climbing down the tree, I decided to just go from branch to branch until I found the running water.

Time Skip Brought to you by Blendin Blandin: 30 Minutes (All you did was scout for the running water, you missed nothing interesting, promise!)

Relief washed over me as I saw what looked like a large creek come into view. Maybe it was just the site of water, but I realized how thirsty I had been.

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