Chapter 10 | Nightmares and Small Scares

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Your P.O.V

I practically collapsed when we got back to the Mystery Shack. Grenda had to carry me back to Soos's break room. As she left, she waved her hands in the air saying, "Yay! Back to Wolfman Bare Chest!"

It made me laugh a bit, but I was too tired to really laugh. I felt the couch shift a bit when Dipper lied down.

Sadly, I knew that in the morning he'd probably interrogate me about what happened. I shook the thought away-I needed sleep. My blanket was super soft making it easy to drift to sleep.

~Your Dream~

Maniacal laughter echoed through the air. Flashes of yellow caught my attention-the men who kidnapped me? No, maybe not. The creek beckoned me, I was so thirsty. Peering into the creeks clear surface, I saw my reflection stare back at me.

Suddenly, time slowed down. I watched as the lulling of the creek slowed. My reflection was the only thing actually in time. Through the reflection I could see a hand reaching out toward me. It hadn't been there before.

Violently, I swiveled around. A blur of blue with an arm slowly extending outward was in front of me. I squinted trying to get a better outline of this thing.

A flash of light blinded me, and everything immediately began to speed up and continue at it's normal pace. The hand surged toward me, grasping my neck. I tried to scream but it was obviously no good. My hands tried to pry and claw off the hand but it was too strong.

The blob raised me off the ground and above the creek. I knew the creek wasn't deep so I didn't worry. But when I looked down, I wasn't above the creek at all. I was looking straight into a dark canyon.

My heart raced to my throat and instead of struggling, I clung onto the arm of the blur. The blob let go of my neck, but I didn't fall due to my great clinging abilities. I did however start to cough and wheeze. I felt overwhelmed by the sudden need for air again.

The blur's arm started to shake me off making my grip loosen. Eventually, I wasn't strong enough and started to plummet. I screamed unintelligible words, while my throat got more and more painful.

The ground was so close, yet so far, and I wished it was getting further away instead of closer to me. I closed my eyes, refusing to face it any longer.

I just kept falling and falling, and screaming and screaming. Then it just felt like nothing. I was dead, I knew it, I was dead. It took everything I had to open my eyes.

Claws were wrapped around my waist and I was gently pulled into the side of a bird. I laughed out of relief. Bravely, I looked down and I was flying over Gravity Falls. I extended my arms out like the cliché I was and admired the small town which I had hated only days ago.

~End Dream~

Waking up was even worse than my little nightmare. I thought I was still asleep because I could still feel the bird's claws and feathers wrapped around me. No, no, no, it turned out to be Dipper. And in that moment of realization, I had never screamed louder in my entire life.

I kicked wildly, and found some satisfaction in hearing him squeal as he fell off the couch and onto the wooden floor.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING?!" I practically screeched.

"I.. um.. sleepwalk?" Dipper hesitated.

"You sleepwalk. Sure."

"Okay, I wouldn't have done it if you didn't keep everyone up wailing your head off. The only way I got you to shut up was by hugging you," he stated so matter-of-factly.

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