Chapter One: Intro

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"Alright Alright! I am coming, I'm coming?"

"You paid him right? You paid him?"

"Of course I paid him. I'm not a tourist."


"I can use a little help here-"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

"Easy, easy!"

"Watch her her head! Watch her head!"

"I am watching her head, Bonney!"

Perona yelped, shrinking back on the seat of a cab, with a staggered expression of pain and a now throbbing sensation at the back of her neck. All this dismay and constant squabble between her friends hasn't even once slowed down, it's been like this ever since she left the hospital with an injured arm and broken leg. Now she felt as if she would count herself lucky to even be alive with her friends up to the task of taking her inside her apartment which unfortunately. . had no elevators

"Congratulations. That went well." snagged Bonney with an overlooked expression. She was possibly a very dear close friend to Perona to the point they could consider each other family.

"Fine! It's fine!" replied Vivi with a apologetic expression knitted. on her face, to assist Perona of getting out of the car she simply wedged her hand and used it as a rest to the back of her head, under her pink curls. Vivi was also a very close friend and despite her cluzty behaviour it wasn't all bad

"Come on, Perona. You're alright honey, give me your hand." Bonney offered with an extended arm, ready to pull her up. Meanwhile, Perona struggled to get up with a painful expression and was ready to weep from the extinguished amounts of pain that sent through out her body.

"Come on honey, We're so close!
We're so close!"

"I got you! I got you!"

Oh the pain was just unbearable just from standing and she clunged to the door of the car, Bonney cheered her on with a hand to her back while Perona nearly spilled tears.

"Oh! Hey look at that!"

"Leaning on the door!" Vivi cheered and lowered herself to help lift Perona. "Alright under the pit! Under the pitter!" she encouraged in a light tone as Perona struggled to lift her left arm to wrap around Vivi's shoulder. "There we go! Come on, I am not gonna drop you."

Once Perona was finally secured around Vivi, they slowly walked together to the door of the Four-story apartment.

"You should've just come to live with me. Why-"

"We're going to be fine, Bonney."

"Really? A four-story walk up?! A four story walk up Vivi!"

"I know it's crazy how can anybody be left to even do such a thing? Without any help! it's crazy! Alright you ready Perona?"

"No. No no!" cried Perona, oh for the love of bears she was not ready for this. With her tone doused in anxiety and fear, she wasn't ready to trust Vivi to attempt to carry her up to her room.
But to her demise, Vivi assured her in pep talk that it was going to be alright as she slowlely lifted her.

"Okay Vivi lift her. On three you guys."

"Okay! I got you!"

"Watch the back! Watch the back!"

"One! Two! Three!"



"Yay! Attagirl!" Vivi cheered, even though the managed to get on one step on the door way it was a success to her even though her friend whom she carried was not so relieved as she was. Since she was the one with a broken leg and arm. But soon enough the weight of a human being was taking a toil on Vivi, she wasn't exactly-Very Strong.

"Okay! Okay! You're very heavy-"
And Slowly Vivi layed the weeping Perona down on the step.

"Ow! Ow!" she cried

"This is really the worst thing that has ever happened to me." muttered Bonney.

"Let's just take a little break." chuckled Vivi.

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