Chapter Two

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"There is no way we can get her up there." Vivi grunted as she kept Perona up with Bonney.

"No way."

"You guys I am really tired." Perona huffed out, they were barely even on the first floor and already Perona was exhausted. All she wanted to do was lay down on her bed and sleep but she would have to survive the trip there first.

As the three waited below the steps of the first floor, trying to think of a way of how to get their injured friend up to her room. They heard footsteps trotting down the stairs and only Perona recognize the man in the suit. A tall and skinny man who smelled of tabacco and fresh veggies was Sanji! Her neighbor who was making his daily visit down stairs to check the mail.
"Oh let's ask him for help."
Vivi whispered.
"Yeah good idea!" Bonney whispered back.

"NO!" Perona protested, as much as this man looked professional, she didn't want the help of a man who looked at a woman like candy.

"Well excuse me ladies."
Speak of the devil. Meeting the ladies at the end of the stair case, he gave a generous bow and took a sharp right to a corner where he proceeded to check the inbox.

"He looks strong. I am gonna go ask.
You got her?"


Perona rolled her eyes in disbelief. Now she really could confirm that she wasn't going to live long enough to see the end of the day.

"Hey! Sir! Excuse me but I was wondering if you could help us get my friend here to her room? She got hit by a car and we could really use an extra set of hands?"

"Sure!" Sanji accepted almost immediately, "So what do you need me to do?"

"Well I don't know!"

"You're very Loud." muttered Perona with an unamused expression

Disregarding that statement, Bonney proposed a plan of how to get Perona up the stairs. An event that would leave Perona speechless and in tears.

Sanji carried poor Perona up the flight of stairs, with her back against his. At that moment, she could've started crying again from the pain as Bonney help guide her legs over the edges and Vivi guider the front while Perona cried "Easy! Easy!"

And what seemed like an eternity, Sanji had carried Perona to safety on the 4th floor and without a word (because of exhaustion) ran back downstairs for his mail.

"Okay thank you so much!"
Bonney shouted out loud.

Finally and at long last. Perona was met with the comfort of her bed. The journey was finally over!

"Alright. .I filled your entire fridge with food!" she panted, and then taking a deep breath to catch her wind "D-Don't worry about it! It's on me! Drake and I moved everything around! So everything is in arm's reach-"

"Hey where's my giant polar bear?"

"Oh thing went to hell. But anyway I got to go. Alright? Alright. I'll see you at 6 tonight and like I said, my offer still stands to come live us. We got plenty of room-"

"Okay Bonney she get's it. She needs her rest." Vivi was reluctant as she started to shove Bonney out the door with great intentions.

"Okay! Okay! We're kind of rich but anyway bye!"

As Vivi and Perona froze to wait for the door close to indicate that Bonney was finally out of the room. When the close was clear they both bolstered out with laughter,

"Oh my god she's the worst!"

"Yes! I can't imagine you living with her. Trapt and defenceless in Sabody."

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