Chapter Five

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Later the next day, in the afternoon. Zoro and Perona sat infront of the tv watching the shows of file cases. Boy did Perona loved her some investigated shows. So casually she shoved popcorn into her mouth, excited about the suspense.

"Seriously how can you watch this? Haven't you seen every episode over a 1000 times?" Zoro asked, keeping his eyes glued to the tv as he reached over for a handfull of the salty snack.
"Yeah." she whispered with a grin and her focus being on the Television. "But now I can see the murder in the first minute and remember who did it." she pointed out, "So like, a guy just got thrown out of a moving car shot. Let me think." placing a finger on her temple of her head and began to brainstorm with her eyes shut.

"He is a shock jock." she said gesturing one finger, "Every one hates him." now with two fingers. "Lots of Suspects." she said with opened eyes and three fingers to end her conclusion. "Joe piscopo did it." she said clicking her tongue with a wink.

"Wow. . I am so sad for you." Zoro replied, shaking his head. She is such a nerd still. He thought with a small smile

"It calms me somehow." after shoving a handful of popcorn from the bowl, she continued. "Hey, are you still good at recognizing voices?"

"Yes." he immediately answered with his hand under his chin and his elbow resting on his thigh.

"Go." she waved on

"Lily taylor." he pointed out.

"No it's no-" As the expression of shock assumed on her face, Perona tried to sit up straight to focus better. "Oh my god it is."

"Still got it." he clicked his tongue.

The Next morning.

As she sat in her bed, Perona had been waiting for Zoro, she was eating some dark chocolate as a snack until she heard the familiar shackles of keys and footsteps.

"Hey! Sorry I am late!" Zoro said, entering the room with a bag with fast food. "Want some chicken pad tai?" with a mouth full of chocolate that tasted so-bleck! She nodded with a surprise. When he left to go set the table, she spat out the disgusting food into a tissue.

At the dinner table, Zoro was eating it properly with chopsticks. Of course it was in his culture to eat properly with chopsticks but as for Perona-She used her fingers because she could never use such complex things.

"So-" placing some noodes in her mouth, she slurped softly to ask the question she was so ever curious about. "What was it like when you heard Yahoo wanted to buy your software?" licking her fingers, she was so excited to hear what he had to say.

"Well-" he started off stuffing a piece of chicken in his mouth, "-I had just came out of Barneys."

"Yeah." she chuckled stuffing some veggies too, in her mouth.

"Robin and I were arguing about the suit in Barneys because It was too expensive."

"Well duh. It's barneys." she replied wiping her hands with napkins.

"Yeah. I know and then she offered to buy it for me because y'know." he gestured in a sort of yikes expression. "She's the one with the money. I said no way! Let's go across the street to men's wearhouse and she was like really? Men's wearhouse? We were fighting a little bit about it and when my phone rang-" Zoro continued on, shoving some food along the way, "-and it was my partner from work and he told me that Yahoo wanted to make the deal for 6 million dollars."

Putting her food down she replied, "Holy shit. Please tell me you walked back in there and bought the suit."

"Yeah I did."

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