Chapter Seven (Final)

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As the sunlight filled the room with the sun's presence, Perona awoke softly and heard the rattles of clothing. From her hazy sight she saw Zoro putting on his clothes and when she fully awoke. He was sitting right next to her with a smile and a sense of guilt of what he's done but at the same time he didn't feel any regrets about his actions. Because he loved her. He never stopped loving her. He always loved her and he threw this life that he knew to cover up and move on when it struck him in the heart to leave someone like her behind. In his mind he couldn't do it and holding her hand right here, right now. He was grateful to her, she had brought back that flame and the reasons why he fell in love with her all those years ago. Her humor, he child-like wonder, her sense of purpose, her smile, her compassion and paientence and most of all, her laugh.

When he returned home, he threw his bag down and tossed his keys on the counter. Behind him approached a speechless Robin, her eyes were red from tears and her voice was weak.
"So. . .? Did you sleep with her?"

Zoro didn't respond with words only with a hesitated nod

"Jesus Christ. . how. .is that even possible?" with a breaking voice she made an expression of anger in tears. "Oh that's how hot you were for her. Only, um. Two working limbs, I think it was." she wimpered, walking towards the counter. "And she kinda smelled. When I was there she kinda smelled." she laughed with sobs "that's just me but you had to have her."

Calmly Zoro responded, "If we could stay calm about this."

"No! I get it. . you were sharing. .she was sharing! Some-- some deep whatever." she covered her lips in devastation, "I am so sorry that I am not sick and vunerable. So you can feel so profoundly about me too."

"Robin Stop."

"I can get sick if you want. Would you like me to get sick baby? Hmm?" she sobbed as she dug through a basket of oranges.

"Robin come on! Robin no!" Zoro rushed over and pulled her away as she sobbed into his chest.

"I tried to get close to you but you wouldn't let me!"

"I know, I know, I know."

After her little sobs, Robin stopped and pulled away.

"Excuse me."
Then without another word she walked towards the counter and snatched the keys and ran out of the room in a calm manner.

"Robin? NO ROBIN." Zoro ran after her outside, Robin quickly took a cab and Zoro followed.

Meanwhile, Perona was on her bed brushing her teeth with an electric toothbrush unaware of Robin's forthcoming arrival.

As Robin flipped through the keys to Perona's room, Franky saw her the moment and thought nothing of it as Robin entered the room in a furious manner.
Hearing the footsteps, Perona thought it was Bonney.

"Hello? Bonney?" she called out but instead was greeted with a woman with watered make up and a very passive aggressive attitude.

"Hi, Yeah. That's right, it's me. Oh you didn't think I do this did ya? I can slap your face right now and you couldn't do anything about it." with hesitation, Robin placed a knee on the bed and attempted to hit Perona.

"What're you--? What're you--? STOP IT!" Perona screamed blocking the small smacks with her hand. Hearing smacking, Franky thought he should look into this
"Where's Zoro?! Did you kill him or something?"

With a gasp of an offended Robin, she got more aggressive, "I WAS NICE TO YOU!"


"ZORO OWES YOU? DOES HE OWE YOU? Don't YOU OWE ME SOMETHING? Like for instance the courtesy not to try and steal my boyfriend away from me?!" she yelled attempting to smack her again, "Don't you at least owe me that!"

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