Chapter 1

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Back at the base Ray listen to his fathers argue on a plan. He and his brother knew their dad was good in battle why their father had best plans. They never fought over it before why now? He saw Alpha get in between then, but father kept going at it. Never had they seen their father out right ignore Alpha.

"Leonardo stand down," Alpha commanded. Father looked irritated all the more at Alpha. He turned his head away with a huff. Everyone looked at him with shocked eyes then dad had to go out and hiss at him something.

"I'll be with Dai and Don if anybody needs me. Because obviously I'm not good enough to make a good plan." Leo left in anger. He didn't know what was going on with himself. He and Raph never fought so harsh before it was like his body or mind didn't want him anywhere near him.

"Raphael you should not yell at him in his state." Alpha chastised him with a look of disappointment.

"State?" Raph question him.

"Why yes it seems again that his past will never leave him even in his new life." Alpha turned away from them. "Leonardo past will haunt him forever even now since it seems he is pregnant." He turned back to them.

Ray, Rick and Raph eyes looked like they were gonna pop out his head. "Pregnant!"

Raph expression turned to furious quickly. "You mean to tell me those basters did this too him. I'll kill every single one of them." He snarled ready for a fight. Why hadn't Leo told him about this when had this happen?

"Do not blame your mate he seems unaware of his pregnancy." Alpha stopped him.

"How can someone be unaware of something like this especially if our kind can sense it." Ray question them. they seemed to have forgotten they were here.

Alpha looked at them thoughtful, but did not answer. "When Leonardo first went into season it was not for him to get pregnant it was to store until he was ready. That is why the fruit tribe was so unique. They could wait for every spring without getting pregnant to find the right mate, but at a price when they are not with their tribe." Alpha explained to them only Raph really understanding what he meant.

"What do you mean when their not with their tribe?" Ray question his brother too stun to ask anything.

"When they are with their tribe the tribe will do anything to help them go through their season without mating to them. If they are not with the tribe and they mate with someone unwilling or just out of heat their body will store their sperm even females. Once they find their soul mate he or she shall go into heat with their mate as soon as spring has started. When they are done some times around the following years their body will release some of the stored sperm and the mate will have to be their even if he or she does not wish to be. They must be strong for their mate." Alpha finished he let int sink in before saying, "Raphael your mate will have many that are from another tribe even from the ones you and Daisuke hate. I have sensed this little one will be a female and she belongs to Takehiko."

"He is the one that my mate will seek." Raph said sadly.


Raph looked up at him. "Your mate will always want you. He will not seek him with or without your permission. Takehiko will seek him once he gets his sense the child will send."

"I will be their for him as will our children." Raph looked at Ray and Rick.

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