Chapter 8

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  The wagon shook under his feet as he step inside. He look at the two young boys, The traitor, and his beloved pet in front of him. Kiz Azohra crouch down beside the traitor and one of the young boys. He grabs the boy by his arm pulling him up with him. He brought the boy beside the other one. His pet kept an eye on his every move.

Leonardo's growl made the bed vibrate by the force he put into it. Fear no longer course through his being for the man that use to own him. He yanks the restraints on his wrist. The wagon suddenly tilts forward and jerks back violently. 

He stop the struggle choosing to growl in frustration instead at Arata when he comes inside. Leo growls when Kiz went to touch his youngest son.

Ray eyes fill with fear before settling with uncertainty when the man cup his cheek. The man turn his head from side to side. Kiz finding the similarity between his pet and the other boy. 

He let go of the Tabiei then turn to the other boy. He repeated the process as he finally stood up to lean over his pet. Takehiko body tense. He didn't want that man anywhere near them, but what could he do to help them out of this stick situation. 

"Check the two boys, while I look over my pet," Kiz Azohra demand his eyes on Leo.

Leo growls by the approach him. The focus on him now he held his breath as his old Master approach the bed with intent that he is unsure about.

"Answer my questions respectfully and your sons won't be harm. For every lie you tell I will decide on a punishment," Kiz calmly told him. Not sure what to expect from his pet he sat on the edge of the bed not quite touching him. "Am I clear dear?"

"Yes Master," Leo gave a firm nod. He understood that punishment with this Master weren't always physical ones or even consider punishment which no doubt confuse him all the time when he was in his custody. There was times where all he did was give him a disappointment look when he did something. Master Kiz can skill duel out punishment however he like.

"How did my brother treat you in his care? I do not believe that he treated you as I had instructed him to. He allowed you too much freedom when in fact he was suppose to keep you on leash at all times," Kiz ask. He knew his brother well enough that he would have just ripped up the list made.

Leo began to think back. It had been almost two decades that he ever thought about those times. "Master was ruthless in dealing out punishment with physical pain although he did let me live like his sons did," Leo told him. Those were the parts in his life that he remembered. "He also sent away my mate you had assign me."

Furious that his brother would do such a thing to Daisuke while also knowing who he was. He didn't let it show on his face that he is hurt on what Daisuke had to go through since it has been over three decades since then. His pet must have been on in need of some healing that he couldn't find in his current mate. Now with this in mind he had to come to a discussion of what to do about the punishment that still needed to be dealt with.


Unsure whether or not she wants to stop the wagon for her mate and another member of her clan. Her mate wouldn't want her to risk herself for him. She felt the wet grass under her feet while her eyes slip when the wind wrapped around her like it was a blanket of protection.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2018 ⏰

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