Chapter 7

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"Never," Leo spat at him.

He wipe the spit off his face. Kiz Azohra sent an amused look toward Leo. "Punishment is required here." The group around tense though it didn't surprise him in the least. His pet had been stolen then breed without his permission. There were still laws about slaves that didn't have owner permission to be set free.

The lot of these people only angered him. He is certain that the one name Raphael killed his brother then proceed to woe his slave into mating him.

His pet hissed and growled at them. Tar had jumped a bit from his pet. His pet had started to become bold which he didn't believe had to be a terrible thing. Leo his pet is royal in his own way though is almost certain that his pet didn't know. "Don't release him."

Leonardo had gain muscle on his once thin frame. That means that his brother kept his part of the deal to keep him healthy. The smile on his face widen a bit more.

Tar look down at the pet he had certainly changed. He supposed that the two teens huddled together were the pets sons since they looked exactly like him. The muscle mass on the pet had him make sure to keep a strong grip.

It wouldn't do him any good to allow the pet to gain the upper hand. He had a Tabiei son which is a honor to have. The alpha to have help with this creation didn't give him any warmth. Not to mention their pet wasn't even scented.

KIz didn't notice Tar disappointed face. They were there for only their pet and nothing more. Their pet has been breed into having children who have grown. A Tabiei and an Alpha both male. They would be brought with them along with the traitor.

His smirk didn't leave his face it made Leo heart accelerate a bit higher than normal. Kiz ordered his men to move both children with their mother. "Blaze was killed. He will be forgotten because had he lived I would have killed him. That is not the reason to why I have come and demand punishment here. I have come on behalf of my brother that was killed by this Alpha who had took my slave from my brother. Then for him to breed and abandon my pet with child. Not only is this one crime, but three. The punishment here is I will take what belongs to me. The traitor will also be taken with me," He told them loudly.

He nodded for his men to put everyone in the wagon. He turn away from the rest of the ridiculous tribe. "Doc be sure to put my pet on the bed," He said. A loud drop made everyone look towards the wagon.

Ray was tied with his hand above his head beside the bed Leonardo is on. The other boys were on the ground hand and feet tied.


From the trees Kiko watched her brother. "Slave? Pet? Traitor?" She repeated softly. Kiko let out a breath she didn't notice she was holding. No one was getting hurt meaning it was her time to report back.


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