Cuddle Time

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Kakashi had never felt more awkward then he did now. Here he was, lying on the forest floor in the dead of night with Sakura snuggled on one side of him and Obito on his other. Whereas Sakura was simply pressed against his side and had one hand on his chest, Obito was practically laying right on top of him. Kakashi shivered as he felt the Uchiha's breath fan across his face. Oh god, his breathe smelled wretched Kakashi gagged at the smell. Not even his mask could save him. Kakashi would've pushed Obito off of him if Sakura hadn't been pinning down his left arm.
"No...I....don't..want a hotdog.." Obito mumbled in his sleep as he shifted so his entire body was crushing Kakashi. Things couldn't get worse....until Sakura began to also squirm and moved to where her face was buried in Kakashis neck. This wouldn't have been as bad if it had only been Sakura, at least she smelled nice and was warm in contrast to the cold ground, but of course Obito was included in this little cuddle party and blew his deathly breathe all over Kakashi's face...wait...was Obito gripping his butt?? When had Obito slid his arms under Kakashi?? "Kiss... Me Rinn.." Obito puckered his lips and began smooching Kakashi's cheek.
"Get off me!" Kakashi kicked Obito's leg and both the Uchiha's and Sakura jolted awake. Obito looked around groggily before he realized he was on top of Kakashi.
"What the he-" Obito didn't get to finish his sentence before Kakashi punched him in the face.

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