Butterflys in the belly and other sappy stuff

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Sakura plucked a piece of grass from the ground as Obito and Kakashi sparred in the background. Rin and her were dragged along to watch their training for the big match between Kakashi and Sasuke.  Stupid boys, always having to fight for no reason other then for their own damn pride. She looked up when she heard a loud growl of frustration, Kakashi was waving his hands in the air cursing. It seemed Obito had blocked most of his attacks and was now gloating about it and that only pissed the Hatake off even more. Sakura snickered as Kakashi attempted to kick Obito in the crotch when she felt Rin nudged her. The brunette was pushing aside one of the bushes that separated the training grounds.
"Psst, Sakura, look!" Rin pointed excitedly to something on the other side. Sakura got on all fours and crawled towards her. The second she saw what Rin was indicating to, she began to blush. Sasuke Uchiha was also practicing beside them and he looked awesome! He was practicing with his blonde friend, Naruto and his older brother, Itatchi. 
"Wow, he is really cool" Sakura whispered to Rin and she shook her quickly in agreement.
Butterflies began to form in her stomach as Sasuke stopped and looked over at the two girls with a scowl on his face.
"What the hell are you two staring at..." He growled and both Rin and Sakura became flustered as they tried to stutter an answer.
" Clearly they're staring at a duckbutt in its natural habitat." The girls jumped at the voice that came from behind them and whipped around to see Kakashi looming behind them. Sasuke clenched his fist and glared daggers at Kakashi.
" Who are you calling 'duckbutt' you porcupine!" The Uchiha hissed. " How about you get control of you're useless teammates and tell them to stop staring at me?" Sakura and Rin looked down ashamed but Kakashi bristled with anger, as did Obito who came up beside the Hatake to see what was happening.
" Who the hell are you calling useless? I bet these two could beat your ass any day! Pinkie is ten times better than you, she's stronger, smarter, and a hell lot more useful then you!" Sakura blushed at Kakashi's words.
" Yea! Same goes for Rin, she could take you down in a heartbeat!"  Obito added as he glanced towards Rin nervously. The brunette also blushed.
" Yea right! Those two are nothing but useless girls who rath-" Sasuke didn't get to finish his statement as Obito and Kakashi both leapt at him and began to punch at him. Luckily, Itatchi had grabbed Sasuke and Sakura had grabbed  Kakashi and Obito before the fight got to serious.
It took a lot of pulling and strength to get the two boys back to their training field. Rin apologized to Itatchi before she went to help Sakura heal the few bruises that Sasuke had been able to give the two boys. They were plopped down in the grass, faces as red as can be. Sakura stood over them, lecturing them on how they shouldn't be so reckless.
"But thanks for sticking up for us...ya idiots." Sakura said as she finished healing Kakashi's  bruises.
"Yes, thank you..." Rin smiled cheerfully. Both boys face grew a shade darker and mumbled something about " you're welcome" before they scrambled off to continue training.

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