The Battle of the Asses

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"You're a good for nothing cheater, Uchiha." Kakashi growled. Sasuke leaned back smirking like the ass he was.
"Nah, you just don't know how to fight properly, kind of pathetic even for a Hatake." That bastard sure did know how to make Kakashi's blood boil.
"Actually I do considering, unlike you, I listen to my Sensei and don't have resort to cheating during what was supposed to be a clean, no Justus fight." Kakashi spat. Sasuke was lucky that Obito and Sakura were holding him back from beating the ever living crap out of him. Sasuke frowned and reached forward to snatch Kakashi until Naruto Uzumaki stopped him. "Don't, it's not worth it you idiot." The blonde muttered. Sasuke paused and glanced back and forth between Naruto and Kakashi before he pulled back. "Tell me Hatake, how exactly did I cheat?" The Uchiha asked.
"You swore you wouldn't use your damn sharingan and yet you did, don't even try to deny it, Obito saw you. You rely so much on those dumb eyes (Obito: OI!) that you can't even go through one little fight without them, even when you're against someone you consider weak!" Sasuke narrowed his eyes as Kakashi spoke.
"Of course you'd think that something powerful like the Uchiha's sharingan is 'dumb' because all your 'clan' has is some stupid midget who thinks he's a grown up and a man who can't even do a mission right and is nothing more than the Village's fool and might as well give up on being a ninja." Kakashi tensed at the mention of his father and felt both Obito and Sakura release him. Naruto frantically tried to drag the Uchiha away but he stood his ground, his smirk growing wider as Kakashi stalked towards him. When they were face to face, Kakashi growled "That's it, next Thursday me and you will have a rematch and this time anything goes. You can use your dumb eyes and I can summon my dogs. Justus are allowed." Sasuke's eyes gleamed with mischief. "Sure, why not, I'll still end up winning and you'll go running home a failure just like your dad." Sasuke and Naruto turned and walked off, leaving Kakashi bristling like a cat and Obito and Sakura awkwardly standing back. Kakashi would put that brat in his place next Thursday, until then..him and Obito had some training to do.

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