Happy Halloween

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Kakashi was the Scrooge of Halloween. He would never understand what was so fun about dressing up in stupid costumes and trusting random strangers to handout candy without being poisoned. Normally, it was the civilians who did most of the trick and treating but of course, his over the top, childish Sensei had the worst idea of letting all the ninjas participate as well. Everyone so stupidly agreed to the wild idea and began setting up Konohas very own Fall Festival which was why Kakashi now stood, dressed as a scarecrow (his fathers idea of a joke), in the middle of a pumpkin patch as his teammates searched for the perfect pumpkin to carve. "Oi, aren't you going to at least help, jerk?" Sakura came up behind him, her doctor costume covered in dirt from tripping over the pumpkin vines.
Kakashi scoffed, of course he wouldn't help. This entire thing was stupid. Why waste time carving some stupid face in a vegetable that you knew was going to rot in a few weeks when you could have been training to become a better shinobi. "Kakashi, why don't you stop being a prestigious prick and actually enjoy life for once?" Sakura whined. "Just do one pumpkin. Pleaseeee?" She began to do her infamous puppy dog eyes that seemed to work on him no matter how much he hated her. He growled.
"Fine. Just one."
"Yayyyy, thank you Kashi!" Sakura poked his cheek and he blushed at the stupid nickname she had given him. After she crawled away to continue her pumpkin search, he glanced over the sea of orange. Rather then spend an hour searching for some "perfect" pumpkin like his idiotic teammates, he picked up the closest one that was very tiny. Just right for him. He made his way over to a table that was set up with carving tools. This was going to be easy...or so he thought. He had no clue what to do. He glanced around and saw some of the others opening the top of their pumpkins and emptying it of its seeds. He could do that...if only he knew which tool to use. Kakashi looked back over at the pumpkin field, hoping to catch Sakura but she was nowhere to be seen. Crap. Maybe he could use his kunai to cut it open. Kakashi reached into his pocket and pulled out his weapon. If it could cut a human it definitely cut open a pumpkin. As carefully as he could, Kakashi cut open the top of his pumpkin. There. Now what? He looked around to see people digging into the pumpkin with their bare hands. Oh. He definitely could do that. Immediately he began emptying his pumpkins content. Easy peasy. Kakashi assumed this was the part where people would carve random faces into the pumpkin. He pulled out his kunai again. All he had to was put a face on the pumpkin and then he could go back to moping. Now what face should he do? The person beside him was carving what looked like the normal Jack-o-lantern face. Kakashi wanted to be at least original if he was going to do this so he decided to just carve some disfigured version of Sakura's face (don't ask why he chose hers, he just couldn't think of anyone else). When he finished, he felt quite proud of his creation. He most definitely was no artist but his pumpkins face looked enough like his muse. Sakura, Rin, and Obito bounded up beside him and looked at pumpkin.
"Whattaya know. You actually did one." Obito laughed. Kakashi shrugged as he placed his pumpkin down. "And nonetheless you made it look like Sakura, your supposed 'sworn enemy'" Kakashi blushed, he hadn't even thought how weird it was to put someone who you were supposed to hate on your pumpkin.
"Ah..eh..I-I couldn't think o-of anything else and..and I..she.." He couldn't come up with any excuse.
"Whatever, I carved his face in my pumpkin. See?" Sakura held up her pumpkin and sure enough, the pumpkin had what looked like a mask.
"Why does he only have one eye?" Rin pointed to one of the crudely carved triangles.
"I got lazy" Sakura shrugged. "He looks better like this anyways. What did you do Rin?" Rin immediately held up her pumpkin that had a cat carved into it and smiled.
"I did a cat and Obito did a fish"
"It's supposed to be alien..." Obito muttered.
"But it's a fish..."
As Rin and Obito argued over whether it was a fish or alien, Sakura placed an arm around Kakashi's shoulders. "So, did you have fun?" She smiled. Surprisingly, he did have a little fun, not that he would admit it to her, especially notwith that cocky smile on her face.
"Absolutely not."
"Bah humbug" Sakura's smile turned into frown and it was Kakashis turn to smile.
"That's my line."
Authors Note:
I don't even know what this is. It wrote itself. Sorry.

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