!!!A kinda too late author update!!!

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       Hello! It is I, the author of this...intriguing...fanfic. I'm sure you've all noticed it has been what? 3 years since the last time I've updated this story? I apologize for holding off on the next chapter for so long, especially with all the comments on the last chap. I've just been having issues dealing with school and falling in and out of other fandoms. On top of it all when I wrote the first part of "The Battle of the Asses" I had confidence I would be able to write a battle scene between the two boys but once I actually began the draft....well I fell flat on my face. I've tried a few times throughout these three years to push through and write the next part but with the lack of expertise on writing on fight scenes and having to deal with school I just never accomplished it.
    Now I've finally graduated from school and I have plenty of time to practice my writing and FINALLY release the next part, my only worry is that many of the readers have (rightfully) given up on me updating so I ask, if I was to finish the chapter and publish it,,,soon I hope,,,would any of you still want to read it?
Again, I apologize for holding off for so long.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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