Chapter 6

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James’s POV

I stood in the train station with Tristan, Joe and Maggie, who had come to pick up Liv.

“Where are they?” Tris grumbled. 

I shrugged, “I assume their train is late but I haven’t heard anything from Brad.”

Just as I said that Maggie laughed, “Speak of the devil.”

I spun around and saw Brad walking towards us while Liv trailed behind him. I felt my face crack into a smile but as soon as she saw us, Liv stopped dead. Brad looked over his shoulder and walked back to where Liv was. I watched as Liv spoke to him quickly, almost anxiously, and before I could process it, Brad kissed her on the forehead and laced his fingers with hers. My heart sunk and I instantly felt sick. I clenched my hands in fists as Brad said something to Liv. She bit her lip and then nodded and allowed Brad to pull her with him as they walked to meet us. When they finally reached us, there was an awkward pause as none of us knew what to say.

Finally Maggie broke the silence by raising her eyebrow at Liv and saying, “Had a good weekend then babe?”

A small smile pulled at the corner of her lips as Liv glanced at Brad who winked at her, causing her to blush furiously.


Olivia’s POV

“Had a good weekend then babe?” Maggie said cheekily.

I looked at Brad, begging him to hold his tongue, and he winked at me causing me to blush. I dared myself to peak at the other boys’ reactions. Tris was grinning at Brad but my heart sunk when I looked at James. His jaw was clenched and he was looking at me like he didn’t know who I was. I pulled my hand out of Brad’s and turned to Maggie.

“We should probably go. It’s getting late,” I said shakily.

Maggie frowned and looked confused. “Okay…” she said slowly.

I forced myself to turn to Brad, “Um, I’ll see you tomorrow.”’

As I turned away to follow Maggie to her car, Brad caught my arm and spun me into him. He looked deep into my eyes, “Are you okay?” he whispered.

I faked a smile, “Yep, fine.”

He looked as if he was going to kiss me so I pulled away and quickly caught up to Maggie.

“What the hell Liv?” she said angrily.

I looked at her, shocked, “What do you mean?”

“I mean what are you doing? You come off the train looking happy and then you see us…” Maggie stopped walking and looked at me, realization spreading across her face. She glanced at my face and her mouth formed an ‘o’. “It wasn’t ‘us’ that made you nervous, it was James wasn’t it?”

My eyes darted back at the boys who were still watching us and I started feeling sick. I grabbed Maggie’s arm and spun her around and dragged her out of the station.

“Liv, stop,” Maggie said and when I didn’t she yelled, “Liv! Stop right now!”

She yanked her arm out of my grip and grabbed me by the shoulders. It wasn’t until her face turned sad that I realized I was crying.

“Shh Liv, it’s okay,” Maggie wrapped her arms around me. “You didn’t do anything wrong. Brad really likes you honey and you have to let him in.”

I pulled back and bit my lip, “He knows Mags.”

“Wh-what?” She said, stunned.

“Ya I told him this morning.”

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